Winjitsu - a mental martial art


White Belt
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Winjitsu is all about improving your life skills. Here is a breakdown of the five sections that make up this system of mental martial arts:

ACE (thumb) – Achieving Combined Excellence
Finding your winning Personality

MAK (middle finger) – Motivation – Action – Knowledge
Making it Happen

MBS (index finger) – Mind, Body, and Spirit
The Synergy for Success

NRG (ring finger) – Neuro Reasons for Growth
Internal Power for Achievement

CMT (little finger) – Creative Mental Training
The Magic of our Imagination

These winning factors probably make Winjitsu a very well rounded system of Martial Arts...makes it effective, complete and exciting :ultracool
Ummm...what exactly is this 'art'? Never heard of it before. Care to explain a bit more about it?
So if I get this straight, this is a combination of Steven Hayes publications on Kuji, with each finger related to an element (Chi, Sui, Ka, Fu, Ku), and each hand related to either the Material or Spiritual Realms, added to Jack Hoban's Winjutsu web page name, and classically mispelt in the way that seemingly all less-than-legit-seeming Ninjutsu groups never seem to get right? Does that sum it up?

Seriously, is Rick still doing this? Well, if he has an audience, I suppose...