Well since I have been in more than one real street fight I think I can say with confidence these things can work.
They can work, but not in the context you originally applied them, which was against a martial artist skilled in grappling aka a Mixed Martial Artist.
Remember, your original premise here wasn't your personal street fighting prowess against random "MMA guys", but that the reason WC is absent in MMA is because they're not allowed to fight dirty.
The rules of MMA, the gloves and the Octagon itself disadvantage many arts that did not evolve with those rules in mind. In the Octagon, MMA with always have the edge. On the street however, where there is more room to maneuver and people of other Arts don't have to worry about the rules the scales get better balanced. I am not saying someone doing Wing Chun, Karate, Kali, whatever will now miraculously beat the MMA guy (I think you might be under the impression that is what I am saying). All I am saying is that under those circumstances the MMA guy no longer has an environmental (for lack of a better term) advantage. On the street it will come down to who is the better fighter end of story.
Keep in mind that NHBs have been around for decades, and several have had minimal rulesets. The original UFCs were such contests, and the styles that dominated those contests are still mainstays in the sport today.