Wing Chun Technique

Girl dodges a punch and is knocked out with a knee.
It can happen and it does happen. Muay thai is an art that they stay more upright because of this reason. Dropping your head makes an easy target for a knee shot. Seriously have you guys ever really been in a fight. Do a search on youtube for knee knockouts and you will find more of them. To say it doesn't or can't happen when bobbing and weaving is foolish.

As for the jing wu adding boxing to their system, ok. And boxing does have its place, in the ring wearing gloves. The entire art of boxing changed with the queensbury rules. Old style boxing would fare much better in a street confrontation. Now I'm not saying that boxing doesn't work, but its very limited. Also the way punches are thrown with and without gloves differs a lot.

This whole thing is about him breaking posture and losing his linkage with the bounce. Taking away a solid structure and power generation. Also adding in bobbing and weaving, what your lefft with is not wing chun at all. Its merely a boxing hybrid.

The link doesn't work :(

I never said it couldn't happen, just that in all the time I trained MT never saw bobbing and weaving lead to a knee KO. WC stays upright, so does MT. For the most part, a lot of boxing does too. Till I see it reliably happen, I can't say that bobbing and weaving automatically leads to a Knee KO on the "d34dly str33ts".

I still think the kung fu masters who put together the Jing Wu curriculum know better than you or I - but they only won a bunch of challenge fights, what would they know... ;)
If you are not careful I will post a video of myself doing a "4th empty hand form"

"Heretic" I hear you cry," Burn him","4th form? He lies" :ultracool

It must be that ultra secret "Super Biu Gee" we've all heard of in legends. :)

Dude, please take it easy... or the mods wrath may fall upon us!! ;)

Thanks for the song...

I did kick someone in the face for bobbing and weaving once. I saw the motion was started a bit too early and I just round kicked the guy in the face... funny!

Dragging the feet does more to the body than just slowing it because of friction. It gives the body signals that make it go to a less stable state.

We tested and compared many configurations of footwork and did comparative strength tests against pressure in different directions, specially the directions where it should be strong for the desired effect. This we do with every movement. Experiments were and are being done with experienced and completely novice practitioners.

From this stems our adjustments. Our training curriculum is based on these results and many other factors and knowledge.

We call Footwork the Ultimate Variable. Why would that be?

The footwork, like everything else, depends on the application. Heel for stability, ball of foot for mobility.

My "lineage" is mostly my integration from a few teachers, mainly Ip Man lineage and Jason Lau's lineage (few steps down), and high level American Kenpo from Ed Parker students. My personal studies, knowledge and training also come into play here (I share with many practitioners from many other martial systems... I like sharing and learning). My training and studies have taken me to the point of reevaluating everything. Yet the Wing Chun looks very much the same (subtle yet important adjustments). The execution, effectiveness and learning speed of my students have all improved significantly!

Hope this helps.


Juan Mercado
Academia Artes Marciales de Carolina
It must be that ultra secret "Super Biu Gee" we've all heard of in legends. :)

There's a super Bui gee? Damn so there is actually 5 empty hand forms!!

The one I was shown is called Ershianshi in Mandarin and it's from a Foshan lineage but thats another thread.

One thing I can guarantee is that if I post a vid, you guys on here would need weeks of posts to get all the critism down on paper:)

You think Super Biu Jee is great... wait till you see Ultra Mook Jong and Hard Core Chum Kiu with the Kung Fu grip. They are based off Combat SLT... the basis of all Mega Wing Chun Ownage!!

About bobbing and weaving... well it depends, yet I do it if playing around and just sport type sparring match. I either survive/counter a sucker punch type attack, or go through the attacker like a train and control the person ASAP.
To: Mook Jong Man

Honestly dude, anyone who's actually been in a real fight can tell from that last post that you've never fought a low-level guy or a skilled one........

And as far as the footwork goes, I've tried to be civil, I've tried to avoid the arrogance and lead this thread into a positive direction. But you wanted to continue so I'll say this and then I'm ending my dialogue with you. Ok, here it goes -

No $h!t you adjust your footwork depending on terrain!!! I swear, I honestly don't know why anymore I even started going onto WC forums.......the outsiders are right, a lot of arrogance exists within the WC crowd and it's rather unfortunate too because, fellas, in case you didn't notice, we're the laughing stock of MA to the rest of the world with the absurd detachment from reality that too many exhibit day in.....and day out...

That'll just about do me .
...........just tired of trying to share and learn and all people do is immediately point out what you're doing wrong. That's not conductive and comes across very arrogant. Who are you to tell me I'm doing it wrong? Unless you're my Sifu or in the family, you really have no place. I'm not going to pretend I understand the inner-workings of using the YJKYM only footwork, so why are you pretending to know how our footwork works? If you want to know, I'll try to explain it to you, but if you want to immediately tell me I'm wrong, then buddy, that's no longer a conversation now is it?

How bout, "hey, that's interesting, this is how we do it".....or, "we found that by doing it this way it helped me with"......or, "the way I was taught was this way".....or, "huh, never thought of it that way".....nope, you guys found something different from your own lineage, didn't like it, and focused on it for the nest 3 pages of posts. The inner-lineage wars are worse in WC than I think anywhere else and all this bickering over who's doing what's right or wrong is hurting and dividing all of us a h*ll of a lot more than helping us. It's ridiculous, it really is, a bunch of grown men bickering over how to spread dirt!!

And as far as the real life fighting thing, the guys who've really fought can pick out the guys who haven't rather easily, so please, for the sake of integrity, stop feeding BS. I swear, that unless you're quite possibly Ip Man himself, I and many others will not believe you when you describe a fight you had like it was a sequence out of Chi Sao, and it all worked perfectly. You better be telling me how you got jammed or knocked off balance or you deflected unsuccessfully or missed or slipped your timing, but most importantly, you better be telling me that you got hit!
No one's saying you can't fight ... everyone's just saying you can do your footwork and structure more justice if you eliminate a certain aspect of your footwork which they think is wasteful ... And ofcourse no one is contradicting what you have been taught just the opposite everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think you should keep an open mind if you're going to post a video on a forum for critique comes in every colour.
Ok first off no one has said you were wrong, I made it clear that I was not saying you were wrong. I was merely pointing out things I would take advantage of. Again I'm not just a wc guy, I have practiced and am qualified to teach many different things. I have been in plenty of fights and no they don't go down like chi sao, real fights are unpredictable and pure chaos. But if you learn to relax you will fare far better in those fights. Everyone gets hit in a real fight unless you hit the guy and he goes down.
Also not sure how everyone else is but I don't give the chance for someone to hit me first, if you get in my face I will knock you the **** out.

I do apologize about the link not working, I have been having problems with posting links and them not working lately. Not sure what the problem is.

And no one was attacking you, we were trying to give you some constructive criticism on what we saw. We have experience and used our experience to make an observation then give you feed back. There's no reason for you to get so defensive.

As for fighting I do it all the time, not by choice but because I work as a bouncer and a lot of drunk idiots surround me on a daily basis. I deal with real fights not just love tapping in the gym. I focus all of my training on what is really going to work because I have no need for the other ********. My fights are seldom 1 on 1. So I'm fairly comfortable with a group setting.

Anyway enough of this back and fourth, you asked what we thought and we told you. You don't like it, so what your gonna follow what you feel works best for you. Now I'm done. Next thread please.
i probably shouldnt be posting this because im currently taking 7 Star Mantis and only learned the basic principles but i just wanted to say about the footwork seems to be very important from what i have heard and a good friend of mine has been taking WC for the last 9 years (Ip Man style/Lineage) and ill tell you this...he gets into fights daily.

He works as a bouncer at a strip club and most fights are 2 v 1 or more. i worked with him until about 4 months ago, i quit the bouncer club because my work schedule changed and i wasnt able to do it anymore. Anyways one night we were both working and i was escorting one of the young ladies out to her car when i noticed my friend Brian in a rather loud arguement with 3 other guys. Anyways i ran over to see what was going on and before i could even say a word a fight broke out. Now i watched as he blocked one hit and countered (which was amazing to see) but he wasnt fast enough and took a hit to the side of the face from another guy. Anyways after i jumped in and helped break it up afterwards him and i were laughing about it. as i am a mantis practitioner i was laughing saying "see if you knew mantis this wouldnt happen" joking of course as he has schooled me many times in sparing sessions. He then said that footwork is most important and that because it was on gravel, he slipped and that was what caused him to move out of balance and take that hit to the face. I didnt notice what he did footwork wise but he was practicing for 9 years and knows what he is doing...and he told me how important the footwork is and the centerline is everything. i would imagine if that isnt kept the correct way the principles and basics of the style do not work to their fullest....again i dont know im just sharing what i was told by another artist and im sorry if i offend anyone.

im learning a little here and there from him but i dont want to stray from my mantis training, although it is fun to break a mans arm via mantis hook/elbow palm (it has happened before) but im glad im in my office setting now, no random attacks although the view isnt
interesting video there MVbrown, always nice to see how different lineages do things, i dont really feel qualified to comment on its merits as i am not experienced even in my own lineage.:)

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