Wing Chun Support??


Orange Belt
Wing Chun is primarily a striking art with few techniques for ground fighting. Would the addition of, lets say, jiu jitsu allow more diversity?? My grandson use 2 study under Grandmaster Julio Toribio, the founder of Seibukan Jiu Jitsu. I can see where a few techniques would be helpful but is the contrast between the 2 arts a bit too much???
High ranking people in my old org tended to gravitate more towards Dumog.
They seemed to think there was more compatibility with the Philipino styles.
High ranking people in my old org tended to gravitate more towards Dumog.
They seemed to think there was more compatibility with the Philipino styles.

I haven't trained extensively in FMA, but from what I've done, I would have to agree.

Mook, have you trained any Dumog? From the looks of it, you can take it straight out of the package and use it along with WC without any compromises to WC principles.
I haven't trained extensively in FMA, but from what I've done, I would have to agree.

Mook, have you trained any Dumog? From the looks of it, you can take it straight out of the package and use it along with WC without any compromises to WC principles.

No I haven't unfortunately Yak Sao , save for a few isolated arm drag type techniques at a seminar.
But quite a few high ranking guys who left the old org for various reasons , later went into Doces Pares and Dumog , so there must be something in it.
I did Doces Pares for about a year as well and there was a fair bit of grappling with the stick fighting , but I honestly couldn't tell you whether the techniques were part of Doces Pares or Dumog.

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