But Jow Ga has boxing guards in it. I'm happy to bore you with details too.
You can bore me when you can show me where I make that claim.
"The biggest difference with Kung Fu and Boxing is that Kung Fu comes from the perspective "Clearing hands" and Boxing comes come the perspective of "Guarding Hands" "Clearing hands" implement defense by attacking or disrupting incoming strikes. Boxing implements defense by using guards."
Pow Choy, Pec Choy, Kum choy, Kup Choy, Ju Sao, and a lot of other techniques are "Clearing hands"
Sei Ping Kuen
More Clearing hands than guard. Notice that the hands to no not sit next to the face to guard the face
Small Tiger. A more advanced form. Same thing. The hands to not sit next to the face to guard the face
More Clearing Hands than guard
More example of clearing hands. The hands to do not sit next to the face to guard when a punch comes in. The hands clear incoming punches.
This is standard boxing guard. If you are fighting with a lot of Jow Ga techniques then your fist will rarely be in this position. Does Jow Ga have guards. Yes, We have some for defending punches, take downs, and kicks. but this isn't the root of how Jow Ga deals with defending punches. If this is how you fight when you spar using Jow Ga then you probably aren't using a lot of Jow Ga techniques. Have I used this guard before in Jow Ga Sparring. Of course, and it usually comes out when I'm not able to track a series of punches
But the majority of the times I use what you see below. 1 Clearing arm 1 guarding arm.
@Ivan I forgot about this picture but it's the same principle that
@Terrible Tim Witherspoon was talking about. The context with of this this picture
@Alan0354 and
@Ivan I was explaining the use of a low stance to use against a take down attempt. I told the student to go for my waste. I told him I would not punch or kick. I would only drop my stance. I started out in a tall stance and dropped to this level. What you are seeing here is that my waist is out of range. He must get through my clearing arm first and he must get through my guarding arm which is also in position to strike if the opportunity presents itself. Both are my legs are bent so I can push forward or backwards at will.
In this stance I'm like a two horn Rhinoceros