Always? no one? I hear what your saying and I agree with a lot of it, but the reality is if you really think NO ONE has ever been taken to court for genuinely defending themselves then you live in an interesting fantasy world mate. Im not going to list of all the many stories I have to convince you, but I can assure you when it comes to the law and courts
always and
no one dont come into it. Individual police can distort facts or reports (they have a very big part to play in you being charged, despite you asserting they dont decide who goes to court, they decide who to arrest and therefore who goes to court) and individual judges can sentence people differently. I think you are generalizing far too much, either that or the UK is a magical land of justice for all where no one is ever unfairly prosecuted (in which case I would love to live there!).
Agreed 100% Thats kind of my point, that aggressively attacking in order to defend yourself (instead of controlling techniques, or just blocking and backing away etc) is frowned upon, or in some cases will get you arrested. The reason being is because Chun looks vicious (at least, it should if done right). Running at someone chain punching as fast as you can does not look like passive defense, and well to be honest it isnt.
I nearly got in a whole lot of trouble for "keeping the pressure on". I had the cops searching for me after an incident at a party where about 6 guys accosted me. They threw the first punches, where clearly in gang mentality and outnumbered me 6 to 1, let alone the fact they had been causing trouble at the party all night. Eventually they caused trouble with the wrong person (me) and took swings, I put down Alpha Male and his sidekick quickly. Suddenly the police are called and chaos ensues. One of the thugs has a broken nose and is laid out on the ground, the other a few nice lumps on his face and is yelling etc, and I dont have a scratch so I must have been the bad guy and put the "cheap shots" in (to be fair I did use cheap tactics, chain punching

). I got out of there fast. Then I get told by friends from the party that the cops were searching for me for ages and asking round my name etc, as I had "disturbed the peace". Some witnesses said I "violently attacked them" (I only chainpunched, no other move, and as soon as one was down I left him) and was "starting trouble" (they attacked me out of the blue and I tried verbally calming the situation, to no effect). Guess who those witnesses where? The friends of the two guys I put down. Despite my other friends explaining the situation (it was a racially motivated attack) the cops still were out for me, and continued for some time. Lucky I dont have faith in our system and didnt stick around otherwise I would have been arrested.
I could give a thousand other examples, including doormen being arrested on duty for defending the bar against multiple attackers, an instructor being jailed for knocking out a guy who attacked him randomly in the street with a hammer etc...