Joy, you do realize this puts you in agreement with Guy's opinion that Ip Man "didn't give a sh!t" about anyone other than Wong Shun Leung? That Ip Man "didn't give a sh!t" about Ho Kam Ming specifically, because I brought him up as one of Ip Man's primary senior students along with some other names and Guy included them in his assessment. Joy, you do realize that this puts you in agreement with LFJ's and Guy's contention that Wong Shun Leung was the ONLY one to learn the "true" Wing Chun from Ip Man? Because all of that is exactly what you just agreed to by your #4 above, whether you realize it or not!
From the Wikipedia:
Occam's razor (also written as Ockham's razor and in Latin lex parsimoniae, which means 'law of parsimony') is a problem-solving principle attributed to William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347), who was an English Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopher and theologian.
The principle can be interpreted as
Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.
So tell me, just how have I misapplied this in my post? I am assuming simply that WSL was a talented guy and made some good changes in his Wing Chun. And he didn't make a big deal out of it or take credit for it because he was a humble guy and respected his Sifu.
The other hypothesis is that Ip Man taught the "true" Wing Chun only to Wong Shun Leung. It assumes that Ip Man did not really care anything about his other senior students like Ho Kam Ming, Tsui Tsun Ting, Leung Sheung, or his own least not enough to teach them the "good" Wing Chun. It assumes that WSL was not close enough friends with any of these other senior students of Ip Man to offer to show them these "secrets" that Ip Man showed only to him! It assumes that this is not just another story to promote the lineage as we have seen with William Cheung's and Leung Ting's lineage. It assumes that none of the senior students of Ip Man realized this is what happened, that they were taught a somehow "inferior" version of Wing Chun. Dare I use the word "modified" version? ;-)
It also assumes that the Pole was the foundation of the empty hand training, which is something we don't see in lineages other than WSL. It isn't the source of the empty hands in Pin Sun Wing Chun, in Tang Yik Weng Chun, in Yuen Kay Shan Wing Chun, etc. It also assumes that Ip Man taught that there truly is no actual application of the Tan Sau outside of training the elbow. But again, it seems Ip Man taught the use of Tan Sau to plenty of students as a basic! Should I go on?
I think Occam's Razor actually applies fairly well here.