Let the record show that both Guy and LFJ have said they are NOT claiming that WSL learned the only "real" Wing Chun from Ip Man. They have used phrases like "most" and "majority", etc when referring to other Ip Man students, to give the impression that there are others besides WSL. But when put to the question neither one can name a single student of Ip Man other than WSL that they feel learned Ip Man's art the "right" way. And that's about as far as this line of discussion is going to go.
I'll be honest. I've seen a video passed around on Facebook that I believe was HKM lineage, and it didn't look too bad at all! I may be wrong about the lineage, but it wasn't WSL's anyway... I think.
The problem is, YM had students that we haven't seen much of even on video, and perhaps some that didn't go on to teach. How do I know? I can't judge them and say "all", so I must say "most", referring to the current big names that everyone is familiar with and who I named "mainstream".
Looking at 2nd generation students of YM may not be fair either, because there are even some terrible guys under WSL (who clearly spent very little time with him). So, again, I can't say because 2nd gen. students are bad, therefore some guy I've never seen was also bad. I must give the benefit of the doubt some times. I personally am not impressed with Augustine Fong, but I have not seen much of anything from HKM. Maybe he was great.
But what if, what if... it was the literal truth what WSL said about YM believing it better to teach 1 good student than 10 bad ones, and he actually did that? Not saying that's the case, but even if that were the stone cold truth, no two-ways about it, you would still be mocking us as "true believers", when in fact we'd be the "truth believers". But you are just being childish about. You will not even go find out about WSLVT yourself.
Let the record show ! that KPM is just an argumentative little guy who loves nothing more than controversy and sh!t stirring and will try to lead everyone down the road to saying something they aren't, and will even go as far as putting words into people's mouths just to create hostility and arguments, and then point and laugh at how absurd everyone else is being.
That's his MO as he takes it upon himself to wrap up every thread with a final judgement and a line like "And that's about as far as this line of discussion is going to go."