Wing Chun again... maybe

Well after much thought I am continuing with Wing Chun, but Yang style is not going away, I'm keeping it.

The opportunity is there and the actual teacher is very good and I do not think I am going to let one guy's views (that I absolutely do not agree with) influence my continuing in Wing Chun. The opportunity is there and rather easy for me to take advantage of so I will follow it a little more and see where it leads. My only goal at this point is to get my Sil Lum Tao back, after that.... I will just have to wait and see.

But I want to add that I am rather amazed at how my knees feel after standing in a Wing Chun Sil Lum Tao stance for 30 minutes or more. They feel a bit strange and I have the feeling I will regret standing that way the next day, but every time I am amazed that my knees actually feel stronger

There are some rather amazing people rather close to me in a couple styles, that I have trained before (Wing Chun being one of them), that actually appear to fit my schedule, so I think for a while I will take advantage of those opportunities.

But in the end I am a taijiquan guy (Yang style to be exact)... but Wing Chun us pretty damn cool too.

Thanks for putting up with the Taiji interloper in the Wing Chun world....
A while back on this thread I mentioned I have been dabbling a bit in tai chi. I continue to find so many similarities between the two arts it is almost uncanny.
My friend has taken to calling WC "southern tai chi." Where I on the other hand, refer to tai chi as "northern WC."
A while back on this thread I mentioned I have been dabbling a bit in tai chi. I continue to find so many similarities between the two arts it is almost uncanny.
My friend has taken to calling WC "southern tai chi." Where I on the other hand, refer to tai chi as "northern WC."

That's cool, and it is how I felt until a couple weeks ago when the other guy was trying to teach. But now I have a question about something Wing Chun/Taijiquan that I saw as a problem, that is if the man that made me doubt my decision to train Wing Chun is right about Chi Sau, it is completely against anything I have been trained in taiji. However the actual teacher there has never said anything about this. I will make that the topic of another post soon