Will Pay To Talk To Ninjitsu Expert


White Belt

I'm doing a research assignment on Ninjitsu - it's history and also Ninjitsu "tricks" like stealth, fighting tactics etc.

And I would really like to talk to an expert about it.

And I'll PAY you for it.

I'm very sincere - so if you regard yourself as an expert in Ninjtisu, please email me at:

ozziedingo AT hotmail.com

The forum moderators can see that that is my real email address and has been verified.

Hope to talk to you soon!

Few info.
There is no such thing as "Ninjitsu". Thats a fake american art.

Now if you are looking for Ninjutsu experts, theres probably a few here. Talk to folks who train under the BujinKan, Genbukan and JinenKan. The rest are questionable on their, ah, quality and authenticity.
ninja_newbie said:

I'm doing a research assignment on Ninjitsu - it's history and also Ninjitsu "tricks" like stealth, fighting tactics etc.

And I would really like to talk to an expert about it.

And I'll PAY you for it.

I'm very sincere - so if you regard yourself as an expert in Ninjtisu, please email me at:

ozziedingo AT hotmail.com

The forum moderators can see that that is my real email address and has been verified.

Hope to talk to you soon!


My friend, you will find a wealth of factual and highly accurate information here and you won't be asked to pay anything. However, be prepared to re-evaluate your current perception on the subject. =)
Shaolinwind said:
My friend, you will find a wealth of factual and highly accurate information here and you won't be asked to pay anything.

Not true! I want money!

And besides... we all know that the COOL information is only in the Supporting Member section...
Some people have accused me of being an expert in ninjutsu history, which gives me no small amount of mirth.

But there is no way I would share some of the stuff I know with someone who is just an e-mail address.

Hey, I have some stuff on ninja poisons in my library. They are not from the Bujinkan, they are from books you can buy here in Japan. The only person I have passed them onto was a guy who was vouched for by a friend and was working on a paper for toxology. Despite the fact that you could get the books in Japan, I am not even going to give the titles to someone that asks for things that can be abused like that unless I have reason to trust them and they can give a good reason for knowing.

And I think the guys that know more than me are even more cautious.

So I would caution you that the people that might be contacting you by PM are probably more like the fakes that picked up a few things off the internet and made up the rest on their own. I do not think too many people that know what they are talking about are going to give you anything no matter how much you offer for the reasons I gave.
cpoints said:
Just look for Hatsumi.What else can I say?
Good suggestion in theory, but I don't think we'll see him taking questions on MT (or any other forum). :p

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