It is also a bit odd to create a Ninjutsu ryuha without some sort of Menkyo or transmission from 1.Soke or figure head 2.Menkyo in the system.
I am in no way attacking you I am pointing out things that may draw up criticism or potential students or people may ask you.
Actually while in discussion with my past Sensei..
He had stated that "any one that has learned anything can teach... You can not rank Bujinkan however with out the requirements"... I discussed the idea of training and teaching in my area which was an hour from him. He didn't show any signs of distaste in my intentions... I had emailed him several times to update him and keep track... Im in the midst of finalizing my dues to him {this stuff aint cheap} once that is finished I plan on continuing my training to aid in my teaching...
I pondered that statement for some time... My sense is not terribly personable so it is difficult to approach him to confront all the issues with his written release of permission to teach what Ive learned from him..
So in regards to your post I appreciate your attention to my history with Ninjutsu...
Hi Jon,
I'm going to try to be gentle here, so please take this is the spirit in which it is intended. You have thanked us a few times for our attention to your school, or, in this case, your history with Ninjutsu. Can you clarify exactly what your history is? So far I have seen a few things that seem to contradict themselves, although that could easily just be the phrasing (such as being a part of the Bujinkan and studying Toshindo at the same time, as that is directly against the direction of the Bujinkan, on Hatsumi Sensei's instructions).
More in particular, how long have you studied in each of these organisations, and what level did you achieve? My main reason for asking is your, frankly, rather odd turns of phrase, such as "practicing Nin", and refering to all students as "Uke":
I commented here on this thread to help encourage an uke in the arts..
This use of Uke really doesn't ring true for someone who has trained for a fair amount of time, as it is fairly mis-used. The term refers to "reciever", as in reciever of the technique, and typically means the attacking partner. In traditional arts, however, the attacking partner (Uke, Teki, Shidachi etc) is the more senior of the two, so refering to someone like Johnny as "uke" is incorrect on a number of levels.
Now to Johnny....
Son, this will be less gentle.
For starters Chris I was here looking for people to train with not your advice and even though you knock me learning from home study courses. I see more Bujinkan instructors and their off-shots than any other style and lineage coming out with home study courses or "at home training material" for the style of Ninjutsu. Also since you guys knock home study courses how do you feel about what Grandmaster Robert Law and David Suzuki say in an article claiming Masaaki Hatsumi is over commercializing Ninjutsu with home study courses that he grades on the progress of students on the Bujinkan home study courses. Now should I also mention that he's ex Bujinkan himself and along with Stephen Hayes and Robert Bussey breaking away to do their own thing motivated him to do the same as well.
No, we didn't knock you for learning from home study courses, it was for not listening when you were guided to legitimate teachers in the art who were close to you, even though you wanted to open a "ninjitsu dojo" as you felt it was "lacking in your area". You went out of your way to avoid legit training in order to pursue your fantasy version. You then started learning via correspondence in a downright fraudulant system, then started attacking the Bujinkan, and claiming that we were ganging up on anyone not in the Kan's (might I point out that I'm not Kan myself here?). You got knocked for being willfully ignorant and then attacking the people who tried to help you (not that it did them any good).
Really, I can't say what I think about "Grandmaster" Robert Law and David Suzuki here... frankly, the TOS wouldn't cope with what I'd say. But for the record, Law was barely credible when he was in the Kan, he then went on a bizarre fantasy trip, came back with rather odd titles and claims (such as being a Soke in such things as Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Hojojutsu etc.... there is no such thing as a Soke in them. You are a Soke in a traditional system, not in a skill set that is taught as part of a system, this shows a level of delusion that cannot be looked past), and David's article is fundamentally flawed as it is basing itself on claims that are flat-out incorrect. Hatsumi has never ranked anyone via video as is claimed in the beginning of the article. If you are wanting to believe any of this, there is no point discussing anything with you.
Law is very very different to Hayes and Bussey. If you can't see this, you have no idea of anything to do with this whatsoever.