Will I get to have some skill?

I read all of these, I swear but I can't answer each one by one
I will say yes, I have seen instructors walking around their pupils and correcting their positions like "this arm more to the left and this like that..."
So I now understand that obviusly I need an instructor so that I actualy learn something and not just imitate what I see. That is not useful in an actual fight.
So well, I will be studying now, and when I have money I will see if I can attend to classes.

I see I wasn't thinking right then.

If i get an instructor I will ask him everything I need.

Thank you for clarifying my ideas!
In order to become a legitimate martial artist one must have an instructor. And know, also, that discipline is not something one plans or "learns"; discipline is something one DOES.
Quality of quantity my friend, research everything you do.
Start with basics...
Strength training with weights or without but get a balanced routine, 2-3 times a week is more than enough if you put effort in it, quality over quantity.
I know you wanna put everything you got into it but believe me, it's about what happens in the long run.
The thing is, in terms of physical fitness, everything is achievable at home, but in terms of fighting abilities and correct technique well... not so much.
Technique may not be impossible but you do need a sparring partner.
I read all of these, I swear but I can't answer each one by one
I will say yes, I have seen instructors walking around their pupils and correcting their positions like "this arm more to the left and this like that..."
So I now understand that obviusly I need an instructor so that I actualy learn something and not just imitate what I see. That is not useful in an actual fight.
So well, I will be studying now, and when I have money I will see if I can attend to classes.

I see I wasn't thinking right then.

If i get an instructor I will ask him everything I need.

Thank you for clarifying my ideas!

It's not just about having an instructor telling you where to put your hand, etc but also about the environment and training partners you get along the way. As other people have said, you cannot learn to fight by training alone all the time. What you put together in your OP is what I would call a Martial Arts inspired workout, the same as something like "Boxercise". Will it make you fit? Yes. Will it make you strong? Probably. Will it make you a good fighter? No. In order to become a good fighter you need to fight other people, there is simply no other way. Experience will trump training 90% of the time to the point where a person with no formal training but has gotten into lots of street fights will probably beat a person who has had formal training but never used their techniques on another human being.

In the words of Bruce Lee "boards don't hit back".
I have some goals to fullfill. In order to do that I want to get more discipline. To do that, I will submit my body and my mind to my will. I actually study, read, and work a lot, but I want to show my body who's boss. So I started training Kung Fu one week ago, since then training daily.
My schedule:
30 minutes of training Monday to Friday covering stretching (especially this, as it causes pain), endurance (this too so that my body gets used to extreme levels of stress), balance, strength and speed and I meditate a bit. So it is 30-40 minutes every mid week day plus whatever I do when I want to (since I started training I can not stop moving, I even stretch in classroom, everywhere everytime I can I stretch, run, practice balance...)

Plus weekends I do some extreme training which consists of:


15 minutes of moderate level stretching
15 minutes of moderate level balance
20 minutes of endurance (all kinds of exercises)
15 minutes of strength
15 minutes of speed training
30 minutes of combat training
10 minutes of meditation
for a total of 2 hours of Kung Fu without almost any time to even stop and breathe

Then I do one hour of krav maga movements either alone or with friends, then shower and daily tasks

Then at 16h I do 2 hours of parkour, when I climb, run, jump, practice acrobatics etc with friends

15 minutes of stretching
15 minutes of balance
30 minutes of endurance
20 minutes of strength
20 minutes of speed
1 hour of combat movements
20 minutes of meditation (I do some meditation daily too but I dont count that as training)
for a total of 3 hours of kung fu sundays

Then 1 hour 30 minutes of krav maga either with friends or alone

I would sometimes switch from krav maga to karate or from kung fu to karate or parkour to karate

Note that I do speed, endurance.... daily but I only train combat moves of these three martial arts for a total of 6 hours a week (counting parkour hours, which count as acrobatics agility and movement training)
Plus many many hours of stretching strength training etc weekly

Do you think in 10 years (2027) I will have a good level of hability of the three martial arts (kung fu, karate and krav maga)?

I have some motives for doing those three artial arts but I wont explain yet

I have been following this training for one week and I feel great, not an apex of tiredness.
Also note that I once took 8 months of daily training to gain muscular mass so I just a bit used to daily sport, I don't think my will will get broken

Also note that in vacations and If I finish school I will have more time to train daily all habilities and skills needed for mastering these martial arts so think that in summer I will be sweating even more then now

I am totally determine to doing this for all my life, imagine me being 60 and stretching like this

Remember this is not for compiting but for health, gaining discipline and learning to defend myself and my loved ones

So what do you think? Good at Martial Arts in 2027 or not?
If you want to learn how to fight you want to train BJJ and Muay Thai with a real instructor.
In addition, the discipline of traveling to a real fighting gym and cleaning the training space, earning your skill with sweat equity and different sized partners will accelerate your training quickly. Only doing drills only makes you good at doing drills.
Been happening a lot lately. At least it is keeping conversations goings.
Still trying to decide whether they are all from the same person though.
Given the timing of it, with the new updates, I'm betting that it's not. Mainly because I think people are getting reminded of the site from the email updates that started sending out again, bringing them back and looking through forums (if you look at the person that revived this one, he was initially a member in 2013 so not some new account).
I'm perfectly fine with it though, plenty of people haven't seen these threads, and now can.
Given the timing of it, with the new updates, I'm betting that it's not. Mainly because I think people are getting reminded of the site from the email updates that started sending out again, bringing them back and looking through forums (if you look at the person that revived this one, he was initially a member in 2013 so not some new account).
I'm perfectly fine with it though, plenty of people haven't seen these threads, and now can.
MTW, it regards to the updates; I have recently ran across more than a few instances where the 'informative' button was sorely missed and really, really made sense for the occasion. Any chance of seeing it come back?
MTW, it regards to the updates; I have recently ran across more than a few instances where the 'informative' button was sorely missed and really, really made sense for the occasion. Any chance of seeing it come back?
I asked a couple times about that one, but each time it was either ignored or missed. My guess is no, unfortunately.