I need a routine... help?


White Belt
I need help/advice building a routine.

I'm currently just randomly doing things here and there. Consistently stretching, but that's about it.

I really want to start a routine and stick with it. I read up a bit, got a few ideas, and kinda of threw something together, but I figured I'd better run it past you guys before attempting it.

I was thinking something like:


Warm up 3 minutes Jump rope
5 X 2 Minute rounds on heavy bag (2 Minute Break between rounds)
Jump rope, 3 minutes.
5 Minute Rest
Work on kicks/punches/strikes. (sidekick, front kick, elbow strikes, ect...) 30 reps each-10 slow, 10 fast, 10 power for kicks/15 fast, 15 power for hand/elbow strikes. 50 reps for punches.
Practice Kata (3 times each Kata, two slow, one regular speed)


Warm up - Jump rope 3 minutes.
Run - 15-20 minutes. (mixing between jogging, running, and sprinting)
Rest 5-10 minutes.
5 X 10 reps pushups (30 sec rest between rounds) (increase reps over time)
5 x 10 reps crunches (30 second rest between rounds) (increase reps over time)
3 x 20 reps squat thrusts (1 minute rest between rounds) (increase reps over time)
Rest 3 minutes
50 Mountain Climbers
Balance exercises
Rest 5 minutes
Practice Kata (3 times each Kata, two slow, one full speed)


Warm up - Jump rope 3 minutes


Class for two hours.


Same as Tuesday


Same as Monday


Warm Up - Jump rope 3 minutes


So, any tips? Suggestions? What I need to change/add/remove?

I'm not entirely sure I can even do everything I listed, I might have to cut back on a few things, but I want something to push me above and beyond.

~ Thanks. ^_^
Before buulduing random routines...what are your training goals? What are you training in? What kinds of time do you have? What sort of equipment is available to you? Where's your diet at? What's yuour experience level? Do you have training partners?

My current routine (preferred, may not make all due to work/family schedule):

Monday - go to Aikido class

Tuesday - go to Aikido class

Wednesday - go to Aikido class

Thursday - go to Aikido class

Friday - go to Yoga class

Saturday/Sunday - rest/go to class, recreational exercise

Not really trying to be smart, just making the point that trusting your training to someone who has experience and can evaluate your individual skills and needs is probably the best way to develop yourself -- whether that's your sifu, sensei, trainer.
^LOL. That's not exactly the kind of routine I was looking for, haha. XD

Before buulduing random routines...what are your training goals? What are you training in? What kinds of time do you have? What sort of equipment is available to you? Where's your diet at? What's yuour experience level? Do you have training partners?


My goals are basically to build my strength, speed, stamina, balance, and flexibility. Because as of right now, I'm weak, slow, and I get tired quickly.

I'm training in Seigi Bushido Ryu. Which is a mix between Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, Kenpo Karate, JuJitsu, Shotokan, Judo + their own techniques. I've been taking classes for about 4-5 months.

I've got a pretty flexible schedule. I could probably train about 1-2 hours a day. Give or take depending on what's happening that day.

The only things I have access to are a hanging heavy bag and a jump rope. No training partners. No weights.

I don't really have a set diet. It's not exactly "ultra-healthy", but I tend to stay away from junk food, ect...

My current routine (preferred, may not make all due to work/family schedule):

Monday - go to Aikido class

Tuesday - go to Aikido class

Wednesday - go to Aikido class

Thursday - go to Aikido class

Friday - go to Yoga class

Saturday/Sunday - rest/go to class, recreational exercise

Not really trying to be smart, just making the point that trusting your training to someone who has experience and can evaluate your individual skills and needs is probably the best way to develop yourself -- whether that's your sifu, sensei, trainer.

Ahh, I really wish I could. But classes only go once a week, and I wouldn't be able to afford a personal trainer/coach.
I'll say right off the bat, your proposed plan is too much. You'll over-train. Back off a bit. Figure you'll go to class as often as possible, then add 3 days of excercise on tiop of that. Keep the sessions short (30 to 40 minutes tops). Keep to the interval style training (doing rounds) but mix cardio work with bodyweight excercises. Stretch everyday for flexibility.

So, something I might do would be stretch for 5 to 10 minutes (start with joint rotations, then on to leg/arm swins to incease range of motion), then do a few rounds of jump rope (lets say 3to4 rounds at 2:00 minutes a round 30-60 seconds rest between rounds). Move on to a couple of rounds of technical work (heavy bag,footwork drills, kata, etc) Whatever you feel you need to work on that day. Keep that to anout 10-15 minutes. Then move on to conidtioning. Do something like circuits of pullups, pushupsm squats and crunches (say 5 to 10 resp per excercsie with 30 seconds of rest between circuits)...keep that up for 15 mi nutes or so. cool down with some static stretches.

do that 3 days a week.

better yet, schedule with a personal traininer who can really assess what your capabilities are and will set you up with something tailor made for what you need. :) It could be money well spent.


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