Hello everyone ! This is my routine

Actually I want to make a good physical basis first ! and then go for techniques ! In my opinion I don't want to learn too much about theory like katas I just do bunkai , I'm not mean that katas doesn't necessary because it was a specialty of each tranditional martial like Karate , Taekwondo ,... ect
Anyway ! thank you everyone !
P/s : I have don't 2 exercises in Monday and Wednesday last week , before that I have done some workouts in a gym for 1 month , so these exercise I posted It's pretty hard but not too hard and I can go to school very well , I have 1 day rest for recovery , I'm also use whey protein to recover faster .
If you have any difficulty, you don't have to do 100 pushups *all at once*. You can work up to that. Do as many pushups as you can, then move on to the next exercise. Later, you can do more pushups until you reach a total of 100. This applies to all of the exercises.
Yes ofcourse ! Thanks
Actually I want to make a good physical basis first ! and then go for techniques ! In my opinion I don't want to learn too much about theory like katas I just do bunkai , I'm not mean that katas doesn't necessary because it was a specialty of each tranditional martial like Karate , Taekwondo ,... ect
Anyway ! thank you everyone !
P/s : I have don't 2 exercises in Monday and Wednesday last week , before that I have done some workouts in a gym for 1 month , so these exercise I posted It's pretty hard but not too hard and I can go to school very well , I have 1 day rest for recovery , I'm also use whey protein to recover faster .
For me, the best training resulted from JUST DOING my art, from the actual randori with other partners :)

Your training routine is certainly comprehensive. Good luck and hope you stick around and let us know how you are doing with your routines.. and maybe we can learn some thing from you :) x
You do that workout you'll stop in about 2 weeks. That's far to much the body can only take so much before you stop. Don't get workouts from the Internet do your own thing. When you run don't say I'm going to do 5 miles don't think about your going to do just do it if you make it to 5 miles but if you simply can't for whatever reason that day then stop. In my younger days I used to be able to 6 miles in about 40 minutes some days other days I could barely do 2 you've got to do what your body can do otherwise you're doing more harm than good, any trainer will tell you need a rest day

Everyone is different. Different people have different stick-tuitivety, as well as different physical abilities. Those who can still might have difficulty with the routine Hau Truong suggests, but can push themselves into it and eventually do it on a regular basis. Some will have difficulty but can call up inner strengths and reserves others are unaware they have. And of course, some may try to push themselves too much and tear themselves down more than they build themselves up.

But for those who can accomplish such a routine either regularly or on demand, life will have a different flavor.
Op. Don't let people tell you you can't do something.
None of us (I believe) were telling him he can't, just that if he is starting out that might be a bit much. If he is used to it and going regularly/consistently at that level, there is no problem with it. Although I would still suggest some sparring on the tuesday/thursday he's not doing anything, if he can handle that load.