I thought the same thing when I read the article too. I also saw that it was first brought up on Fox News. If that's the case then we already know the spin that's going to be put on the comment that they were quoting. Fox News wasn't always like this. Back in the day with Geraldo and Hannity and Colmes, they were more reliable with the news. But these days it just sounds like one big talk show, Little news with a lot of opinions.
I stopped watching Fox when Colmes left. Holmes would fact check Hannity when Hannity said something incorrect. They never replaced him
I found this. "To get an idea of just how high, Cox analyzed medical claims from 18 million patients with insurance from their employer who were hospitalized in 2018 with pneumonia.
Overall, costs ranged from just under $10,000 to just over $20,000" source:
This is the cost of treating pneumonia, so $16,000 per patient is in the same ball part as Pneumonia. The biggest difference is that Pneumonia doesn't spread like Covid-19 and Covid-19 requires operational changes to be made in order to handle it.