Why Silat?

people dont scrap like the old times your almost as likely to get shot
as you are to get punched silat not meant to be sport in training its like you fire blanks your not going to hit the groin hook the arm and elbow your training partner in the back of the head as you break both their
one thing ,when I say blanks, I dont mean punch the air.In training strike's should have some contact and or placement.It takes skill to do this in real time, minus critical injuries.in training the emphasis is on precision over power.its harder to nick the bulls eye then to hit it dead on
No stupid questions only stupid answers.here's mine, at this point Im not looking to add to my knowledge so much as to try to add to the understanding of what I know and study at the moment. .its interesting to discover new things but I believe the foundation must be deep rooted embracing the basics as the core of the art.In other words when there is no disconnect between the most basic and most complex advanced,you have foundation.what was your question again?some one else write something.attack anything you disagree with.
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If you stand with arms out stretched in front and make vertical fist's gradually expanding arms opening and closing hands ,peripheral vision will blur into visualization where its not clear if you see your hands move or you think you see your hands move.a good drill to train peripheral ability.
The hardest part is how to put all your knowledge together into one moment.thats why its not easy to dabble excessively and relate the
material on command as the moment demands.
To do silat takes a really good imagination in motion.thru practice and progress injury and healing you learn the body is far more complex and far harder to understand in one life time than all martial arts combined.in other words its higher purpose is to help explain what you are.
why do jurus look so strange?To learn a foreign language, first you must have a native language to translate and incorporate back to.The new must be an extention of the old.in other words in silat a bridge must be constructed backwards ,there is no reference to extend.you must make your own language.
if much of what I write seems confusing, its because I find silat is confusing, much of its stratagy is to confuse.as for jurus ,until you know the reason for all those crazy motions, then they are just that.
Its my guess why jurus look so strange, is because of the multi task function of each motion.any normal looking motion would be too limited

as well, many of the applications are short power and leverage blocks. performed solo, these motions often appear a bit odd or even useless.
put it this way,jurus are two faced, one practice, one combative application.the two barely resemble one another.one is a handfull of fixed motions the other is everything you know.
IB, would you please, for the love of the gods give it a rest? You're not offering any insights. You're not saying anything useful. Nobody wants to hear what you're saying. Mostly what you're doing is making a fool of yourself in an echo chamber.

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