Why Silat?

I'm not on here much anymore. Glycerine, what state are YOU in? I know some reputable instructors around and about.
Doc D
Dallas Tx
when you first start silat you want to go fast and they make you go slow
then after a while you want to go slow and they make you go fast.thats why I say look for any excuse to relate what you are doing to silat take a small piece of any juru motion and carry it around all day PRACTICE small moves when you cant PRACTICE big moves.your body is the vehicle of the art.and its the source of all your super silat powers.
a good teacher will give you a few things in a short time that you will practice a life time.many teachers are just great fighters who promise their students
they can transfer their skills.skill must come from with in,only guidence can come from with out.
silat is the opposite of shortcut self defense.for every one good technique you learn, you have to be responsible for a hundred kinds of counters, in order to fully trust your life to the technique.what technique is worth your life?
one word,flexibility,something that come's natural to the indigenous practitioner,is for many, a great hurdle to achieve,often a lengthy prerequisite to enter into the art.wrist and hip flexibility are taken
to extreemes.also you have to be universally flexible to ride out the sharp pulls and twists used in whiplash techniques.
I was affraid of that, allow me to reiterate.In jurus usually both hands are in motion, yet mostly one hand or the other is strilking at any given instant.The other hand/arm has to be doing something.One of the things it can be doing is guiding or steering the strike.Take the single stick as an extreem example, how the empty hand is always in play, reinforcing and changing the angle and force of the swing or strike.that same principle you see in x block/strike,jurus motions.thats the principle Im drawing reference to.
silat is a point blank system.In real time application you could never see how it works,For demonstration the motions have been widened and watered down ,so you can see the strikes.In reality,the strikes are so close, fast and connected it looks like an invisible art.
since every strike will either extend or compress the opponent the flow of the jurus is meant to intercept intersect.a good close range strike at medium level will bring the head racing down to meet an elbow racing up etc...
The facts of silat are simple and hard to master.simple is simple but understanding is never simple.simplicity is always at the heart of the complex.to simplify fighting is imposable .always strive to do the impossible.or ? to make what isnt, "is".
Is it best to most focus on converting weaknesses into strenghs or to focus on making present strenghs into super strenghs?I tend to lean towards the latter.for example if a low reverse cresent kick or a spinning reverse elbow is the thing you naturally do best and you really develope that according to the art. in this way you are bringing and offering your
best and adding more to the art instead of always of trying to take,take, take.
to put it simply, there is hand work and there is foot work two completely seperate things.no relation.a hip is not a shoulder leg is not an arm you
can not grab with your toes good pinch at best.how the f can these fall together.How can you get 100 percent power,efficiency and accuracy from both, at the same timing.the missing key ,is that which makes it possible to punch full blast in any direction with out inhibiting the ability the simultaineously kick full blast in any direction.

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