Why Natalie Portman is EVIL!

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"My big sister got snubbed by an actor she was all gooey over once so that makes the actor an evil poopie head".

How is that a horror story? How about "The cashier didn't say have a nice day, that whore!" or "My cat Pookie didn't lick me hello, he must be mad at me!".

I've been to dozens of conventions, met an easy hundred actors. Hey, guess what? The only ones I got to 'hang' with were in room parties, and we were usually half drunk. You guys shoulda been in Toronto with Carradine. He was wasted the whole time I saw him. Also was an ******* but that's actual 1 on 1 experience. Not "My sister had this experience I wasn't there for, that I feel the needs to make an public *** of myself by announcing in the wrong section of a site dedicated to something that has nothing whatsoever to do with what I'm going to stink about."

So Trolling Troll is Trolling.

As to Portman, honestly, she's ok to look at, her acting's mid-road. I'm not a fan, but I wouldn't avoid a film because she was in it. I just prefer Kiera Knightly.

Ok, back to whipping my slaves and trying to replace my coffee wench. She forgot my sugar again so I had her tossed to the eels.
"My big sister got snubbed by an actor she was all gooey over once so that makes the actor an evil poopie head".

How is that a horror story? How about "The cashier didn't say have a nice day, that whore!" or "My cat Pookie didn't lick me hello, he must be mad at me!".

I've been to dozens of conventions, met an easy hundred actors. Hey, guess what? The only ones I got to 'hang' with were in room parties, and we were usually half drunk. You guys shoulda been in Toronto with Carradine. He was wasted the whole time I saw him. Also was an ******* but that's actual 1 on 1 experience. Not "My sister had this experience I wasn't there for, that I feel the needs to make an public *** of myself by announcing in the wrong section of a site dedicated to something that has nothing whatsoever to do with what I'm going to stink about."

So Trolling Troll is Trolling.

As to Portman, honestly, she's ok to look at, her acting's mid-road. I'm not a fan, but I wouldn't avoid a film because she was in it. I just prefer Kiera Knightly.

Ok, back to whipping my slaves and trying to replace my coffee wench. She forgot my sugar again so I had her tossed to the eels.

Would you like Keira Knightly and daily?
Not wanting to speak for Legionary there, but I will say that this is a family site, so it's not safe for me to answer that one... oh, Irene, the images you have put in my head.... you're all evil. I approve.
Not wanting to speak for Legionary there, but I will say that this is a family site, so it's not safe for me to answer that one... oh, Irene, the images you have put in my head.... you're all evil. I approve.

When I'm good I'm good, when I'm bad I'm even better........
If you want true evil, its that damn Ann Rice! Vampire fiction is a bane on our society. I have sworn off Ann Rice, and am proud of it, but the other day I just saw that she released, a new werewolf book, and now I want to read it. NOOOOOOOOO! Stop me!!!! I won't pay for the hardback; so, I have a year to deal with this desire, but I hate Ann Rice. Hate her, Hate her!... Oh and unless you are a circus freak, avoid all Ann Rice porn. Its crap! sorry to hijack your thread, and Bring it on Tez! It won't be so easy to defend Ann Rice! :)
To be serious for a moment, in Syria there has been a massacre, children have had their throats cut, people killed in their homes, that's evil not an actress being rude to someone.

This, we should be getting mad at, not an actress unless there's more to this hatred of her than we've been told?
I don't see why I'm being called a "troll" just because I'm stating what I think about Natalie Portman! You who called me so are NOT very welcoming here on my opinion! I NEVER said anything for attention or for laughs! If I was I would have said we should KILL her WHICH I NEVER implied! I wouldn't call YOU a "troll" if you stated your beliefs so WHY do it to ME?!!! You who did so should really be ashamed of yourselves for TRUE martial artists are open minded and welcoming to ALL beliefs which YOU obviously ARE NOT!!!! Good job. You MADE me angry which is VERY hard to do! I WILL not tolerate anyone criticizing me negatively like the way YOU do! I'm thinking of quitting this forum thanks to you! Happy now? Do you feel good about yourselves?!!! You drove one peson away from this site who was dedicated to the martial arts! Thank you! Oh and in caes you haven't noticed, I'm being SARCASTIC!!!!!!

The problem is the way you have stated this. You don't give any real evidence; I'll take you at your word that your sister met Ms. Portman at Harvard, and that they didn't hit it off. But rudeness is seldom considered evidence in and of itself that a person is evil. Aren't some folks with Asperger's often perceived as being rude by those unfamiliar with them and Asperger's? So, perhaps, using your logic, you're evil, too.

It's important to remember that, in a textual format like this forum, we lose a lot of the cues in communication that we really rely on more than the actual words. Emoticons or "smilies" can help, but we still lose tone of voice and most facial expressions. It's worth rereading a post before you submit it, just to make sure it really says what you mean.
Look, I'm just going to say it - Natalie Portman being evil would only make her more appealing to me. We'd be a perfect match there... (and, for the record, my favourite Natalie Portman moment is her on Saturday Night Live, during the Weekend Update, doing her short and long comedy routines a la gymnastic routines... mainly as she chooses "The Aristocrats" as her long routine... and if you don't know what that is, a simple hunt on google should educate you! Enjoy!).

Love that girl....

Welll ... on Chris's recommendation I had to engage my web-fu to go and find the SNL sketch he mentioned ... :smiley for extremely raised eye-brows:. To steal a quote from Dog Soldiers, "I love it when a posh bird talks dirty!".
Hi Khuang,

I do not know the circumstances of your sister and Ms.Portman but we have a story from one perpective from a second hand source(you) I am sure you believe your sister's feelings to Ms. Portman but the interaction that took place could have been a misunderstanding or any other hinderances that can occur in miscommunication.

You are entitled to your opinion that Ms.Portman is evil but evidence points otherwise:
Portman helped launch FINCA's Village Banking Campaign to mobilize the people and resources needed to bring financial services to one million of the world’s lowest-income families through 100,000 Village Banks annually by 2010.

Read more: http://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/225-natalie-portman#ixzz1wNX5VHXY

The list goes on. Ms. Portman has alot of accomplishments that she worked hard to obtain.
Based upon the original posters logic.
If someone treats you bad they are evil.
I was invited to stop by a seminar and meet Danny Inosanto. It was a Saturday. I was working. You know a problem in a plant on a different continent so I am working the weekend. I was able to get away and get something to eat so I ran over to meet this guy I heard all this great stuff about.

I entered the school he was teaching his seminar at. I knew the school owner and the host of the seminar. I took my shoes off and stood off to the side. I did not enter the training floor. I had not paid to train. I was invited to meet. At a break one of Inosanto's long time instructors in the state, came over to greet me as well as did many of the other locals. I was walked over and introduced to this icon of Filipino Martial Arts. He did not get up off the floor. He looked at me, like "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" I extended my hand to him. He got up and shook it. He nodded his head and then got busy with checking some items. I told him thank you for the greet. I then said goodbye to people and left. All within his quick break for water.

1) Dan was a Bleep! As he treated me poorly.
2) Dan had an off day and should be given the benefit of the doubt
3) Dan was tired (* he works hard and needed the few seconds for a break to drink some water and think about his next set *)
4) Dan wondered who this jerk was that walks in late, does not pay, and then walks over and asks to shake his hand and then leaves
5) I am the jerk because only a few people there know about the work emergency I was addressing.

So which of the five above is true?

Personally, I think it was just a situation that could have gone better, but it did not. Do I tell people Dan is evil? No I do not. Have I ever told this story before on the net? Nope. Why? It could only look bad for me.

Another story about perception:
I was at a camp where Dr Gyi was to teach as well. A few people including the camp host told me that he is serious and that he will make fun of you if you screw around and do not do what he says to do. Also do not be afraid of making it work either. So, we are working with a wooden swords he teaches, and I am paired with this other big guy close to my height, but he has bigger shoulders and chest. We are striking back and forth on each other. I slip back into my training of angle off and deflect with off hand as weapon deflect his weapon. He is swinging two hands. I am swinging two hands. I am not getting hit. I am driving through his blocks and hitting him in the shoulders (*Avoiding the head for obvious reasons. *). Dr Gyi kept saying harder, Harder ! so I was swinging harder. The other guys said I was doing it wrong. I asked him quietly to explain if he could. He tried but at that pace he could not. I also did not want to draw attention to us for talking. So he stops and calls to Dr Gyi and the Dr stops everyone. The host walks into the office, not wanting to watch the train wreck coming. My partner explains that I am doing something wrong and asks for Dr Gyi to watch. So we go through the techniques on both sides of the head. I was driving my wooden sword into him while I was blocking his strikes. Dr Gyi gets on him to BLOCK!. Then he has someone else swing on me, another big guy and the same thing happens. (* Note: These were some Kenpo guys who told me to hit them and if I did not they could not practice properly. So I obliged. I just do not crush random training partners *) So Dr Gyi told him to not worry about me as I was not getting hit and for him to work on his blocks.

When then go out to Dinner that night. It is not too late, and we are getting ready to leave the restaurant. Out of nowhere someone grabs my elbow. I turn to see who it was and it was Dr Gyi. He guides by my elbow off to the side and "talks" to me. He explained that I was too big and too strong, and I needed to be careful with others. I was going to hurt someone. So, What do you think I thought? I thought I was the biggest jerk in the world. Here is this guy known for taking it to people for simple things. So how much of jerk face am I for being the guy he had to talk to about excessive force.

I smile about it now. Dr Gyi it I seem him at an event that we are both at I say hi and he is very friendly with me and I would say even likes me. Yet the initial perceptions of people can be very different than what they built up in their heads either before or after the meeting.
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This thread is serving no useful purpose on this forum, thus its being closed. As far as closing accounts go, if you read the forum rules, you'll note that we no longer close accounts upon a members request. If you don't wish to be a member here anymore, simply don't log on and eventually your account will go into a closed status. Furthermore, dont make demands of the foums staff. If you want something, act like an adult and be nice about it. No need to be an ***. As far as the trolling comments...well, as I said, its very simple...think before you post! Coming on, starting a thread such as this train wreck, and providing no solid proof to back up your claims, is considered trolling, which BTW, is something that will get you banned real quick.
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