Why Natalie Portman is EVIL!

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My sister met Ms. Portman while at Harvard and the latter was extremely rude to my sister and thus became her archnemisis. My brother-in-law's archnemisis is James Franco. During Thanksgiving 2010, my brother-in-law said, "If James Franco ever had a baby with Natalie Portman, could you imagine how EVIL it would be?" Less than a month after he said it, Natalie is pregnant. :uhohh::eek::xtrmshock She is then nominated for an Oscar which was hosted by James Franco. All this seemed a bit TOO coincidental to me and I think her baby will turn out to be the Anti-Christ! I'm serious! It is all too suspicious that this comment would make so many connections in the three months AFTER my brother-in-law said her baby would be evil! Thoughts?
I had to Google who she was, and I still don't know who she is; so, I believe you have put way to much thought in to this.:)
I had to Google who she was, and I still don't know who she is; so, I believe you have put way to much thought in to this.:)

I agree that there is way too much thought put into this. But, if you have to google Natalie Portman to find out who she is, then I don't know what to say. Get out much? :)
I agree that there is way too much thought put into this. But, if you have to google Natalie Portman to find out who she is, then I don't know what to say. Get out much? :)
The name doesn't stand out. I did see some of her movies, but I don't have her posters on my wall. As you get older, you too will become indifferent to these pretty young up-starts. Mark my words!!!! LOL :)
I don't see why I'm being called a "troll" just because I'm stating what I think about Natalie Portman! You who called me so are NOT very welcoming here on my opinion! I NEVER said anything for attention or for laughs! If I was I would have said we should KILL her WHICH I NEVER implied! I wouldn't call YOU a "troll" if you stated your beliefs so WHY do it to ME?!!! You who did so should really be ashamed of yourselves for TRUE martial artists are open minded and welcoming to ALL beliefs which YOU obviously ARE NOT!!!! Good job. You MADE me angry which is VERY hard to do! I WILL not tolerate anyone criticizing me negatively like the way YOU do! I'm thinking of quitting this forum thanks to you! Happy now? Do you feel good about yourselves?!!! You drove one peson away from this site who was dedicated to the martial arts! Thank you! Oh and in caes you haven't noticed, I'm being SARCASTIC!!!!!!
Everyone chill. I think we should all get to know khuang a little better and give him some breathing room. He introduced himself here. Let's try to be a little more inviting.
My nephew is Asperger's-interesting to deal wit.....love him, though.....
"Natalie Portman" though?

:lfao:.........just :lfao:
If someone cannot stand to be criticised why then do they heavily criticise someone?
Look. I can handle criticisim but YOU people were calling me false things which should NEVER be acceptable! I got private messages calling me a "troll" when I'm NOT one nor was I EVER trying to be one! Do YOU like it when someone calls YOU a "liar" or "fat" when YOU are not? Is THAT ever acceptable? See where I'M coming from now? YOU wouldn't stand up being called such things so why shouldn't I? I all ready went through high school once! I NEVER stood up for myself then so why should I let these false accusations not go addressed and let them bottle inside until I do something MUCH worse than telling a few people off? U was only addressing the ones who were attacking me and I do NOT deserve to be treated the way I have been around here nor should anyone else! I spent years afraid to speak my mind and even speak up for myself! It took therapy for me to finally open up to people and YOU who said such awful things about me are one of the reasons I hardly ever spoke my mind before and now regret even saying how I feel!Understand?
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Look. I can handle criticisim but YOU people were calling me false things which should NEVER be acceptable! I got private messages calling me a "troll" when I'm NOT one nor was I EVER trying to be one! Do YOU like it when someone calls YOU a "liar" or "fat" when YOU are not? Is THAT ever acceptable? See where I'M coming from now? YOU wouldn't stand up being called such things so why shouldn't I? I all ready went through high school once! I NEVER stood up for myself then so why should I let these false accusations not go addressed and let them bottle inside until I do something MUCH worse than telling a few people off? U was only addressing the ones who were attacking me and I do NOT deserve to be treated the way I have been around here nor should anyone else! I spent years afraid to speak my mind and even speak up for myself! It took therapy for me to finally open up to people and YOU who said such awful things about me are one of the reasons I hardly ever spoke my mind before and now regret even saying how I feel!Understand?

If you had come on here and said, well Natalie Portman was very rude to my sister at uni we may have been more receptive but to call her evil? Evil as in Pol Pol, Hitler, Starlin evil, mass murderer, child peadophile evil, or just a young lady who was either been harrassed by other students or who had an off day and snapped a rude comment at someone? does it matter? Someones rude? Rise above it, don't call them names and make assumptions. Be the bigger person, say well there you go, she was rude, I don't care because I will treat people how I want to be treated. How we behave should concern us, not how celebrities we don't know behave.

Why not start again here, forget celebrities and concentrate on something positive, this is a good martial arts site so there's a place to start.
Why watch her movies? She's a complete B****!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She thinks she's better than everyone and treats others like dirt!

None of us were there when this happened, and it's unfortunate that your sister was treated as less-than-welcome by Ms. Portman. It may be worth noting that when actors and performers are working, they are, indeed, *working* and disruptions of any kind - even if well-intentioned and polite - can undo the work they do and decrease their quality of performance. Not necessarily your sister's fault or anything, just a matter of poor circumstances.

Try not to let it jade you so as to your opinion of her character.
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As for this thread....not really sure what the point of it is, however, if you dislike someome perhaps the following would be good advice for you to take:

1) Explain with solid, legit reasons why this person is as you claim. There are celebs out there I'm not fond of, and I'm not starting threads to complain about it.

2) Re-read and think about what you're saying, before you post.

3) Alot of what I'm reading seems like personal opinion rather than fact. Aside from knowing the person in question personally, how do you know whether or not they are as you claim?

MT Asst. Admin
Look, I'm just going to say it - Natalie Portman being evil would only make her more appealing to me. We'd be a perfect match there... (and, for the record, my favourite Natalie Portman moment is her on Saturday Night Live, during the Weekend Update, doing her short and long comedy routines a la gymnastic routines... mainly as she chooses "The Aristocrats" as her long routine... and if you don't know what that is, a simple hunt on google should educate you! Enjoy!).

Love that girl....
Look, I'm just going to say it - Natalie Portman being evil would only make her more appealing to me. We'd be a perfect match there... (and, for the record, my favourite Natalie Portman moment is her on Saturday Night Live, during the Weekend Update, doing her short and long comedy routines a la gymnastic routines... mainly as she chooses "The Aristocrats" as her long routine... and if you don't know what that is, a simple hunt on google should educate you! Enjoy!).

Love that girl....
She has a dark side and that's not a bad thing. :)
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