Why Natalie Portman is EVIL!

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My sister can ALSO speak multiple languages, is a Harvard grad, and DOESn'T have an ego the size of Jupiter!

And, since I'm guessing that you're Thai, I bet she's also hot....:lfao:

In the meantime though, you might consider that an ego the size of Jupiter kind of goes with being an Oscar winning movie star, and might even be compensation for an inferiority complex, which isn't evil-it's just sad, especially in one so talented.

In fact-nah-I'm sticking with her being superintelligent, rich, talented, and hot-and she knows it! :lfao:

(and maybe your sister is merely kind of hot, rather than totally smokin' )
My sister can ALSO speak multiple languages, is a Harvard grad, and DOESn'T have an ego the size of Jupiter!

But can she suck the chrome off a bumper? Also, post some pics. I wanna see if shes hot and has **** the size of Jupiter.
If she's so smart, what was her SAT score? Did she get a perfect score with only THREE errors? Hmmmmm?

I read somewhere she got over 1400-more than enough for Harvard admission, which occasionally even disregards the SAT. Repsectable, but not as high as my score, and I took an older, harder version of the test.

I didn't get into Harvard, though....

"with only THREE errors" is NOT a "perfect score." In fact, a "perfect score with only THREE errors" is NOT a "perfect score." 2400 is a perfect score, three errors is something less than 2400-however they're scoring it these days.....:lfao:

You need to get over your sister, and Natalie Portman.....
I use a computer from 2004 and have no scanner. So how CAN I post a pic?

Just post her Facebook page. We'll find the pics. But tell me, does she have big hooters man? Wear glasses, dress in short pleted skirts. mmmm Tell me, do you watch her get dressed? You're a lucky kid having a hot sexy smart big sis.
Now, now, ladies and gentlemen. Let us not be hasty in judging whether khunag is really just trolling for effect.

He is, however, quite wrong on this issue of the 'worth' of Ms. Portman. I saw her in Leon and put on the line one of my almost-never-wrong predictions about her future heart-breaker status. Had a few wobbles when she did the Star Wars films but she came back into the fold once more with Thor :D.
Calmly now. I was attempting to give you a chance to get your feet under the table before you took too much heat.

Of course you are allowed your opinion, just as everyone else is allowed to think otherwise. Try and put yours across as best you can and persuade your readers rather than bite them :D.
Now, now, ladies and gentlemen. Let us not be hasty in judging whether khunag is really just trolling for effect.

He is, however, quite wrong on this issue of the 'worth' of Ms. Portman. I saw her in Leon and put on the line one of my almost-never-wrong predictions about her future heart-breaker status. Had a few wobbles when she did the Star Wars films but she came back into the fold once more with Thor :D.

what was that one...Your Majesty...was that the name of it? Yowzers.
Clearly this thread needs this:
what was that one...Your Majesty...was that the name of it? Yowzers.

"Leon" was released in the U.S. as "The Professional," when Ms. Portman was all of 13, and not hot at all:

$the Porfessional - Natalie Portman.jpg$natalie_portman_image13.jpg

as opposed to now:

View attachment $Actress-Natalie-Portman.jpgView attachment $Natalie-Portman-natalie-portman-7418231-1024-768.jpg

If that's evil incarnate, then I'm a devil worshipper....:lfao:
I have met some high ranked people in martial arts. I have met some actors and actresses. I have found that if you approach them as people and not as a fan, you get further.

I was once asked how did I get a chance to drink with *insert name here*? I replied, I walked up and said "What are you drinking? ", ..., "Really do you mind if I join you?"

I have had an actress request my help to save her from a fan. I was just walking by on set. When security showed up the actress made sure to tell them that she had asked me to stay and that the other guy was not welcome.

Now, if you want to talk about Directors and Assistant Directors, now they have egos and attitudes.
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