why modern?


3rd Black Belt
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Little Tokyo
we all know that across the tracks there are the "traditional schools". where they are only practicing for that one day they have the ultimate duel with the samurai :jediduel:... what about all of us? what was your reason for choosing your art? why not go with the traditional schools? i'm sure if one looked hard enough they could find a "traditional school" somewhere but why did you choose your school?
i chose my school because i liked what i saw. i looked around before i chose rtms at other ninjutsu styles. what i saw were a bunch of costume warriors thinking that they were still living in the 17th century. i liked how my school broke down the difference in the "martial", and the "art". we practice both, but keep a practicle understanding of what might really work in combat.

i choose mine called: American Ninjutsu becouse it manly reliys on realistic tactics along with traditional ones. That and i had a few friends in there who said they loved the class and its free (at lest the branch i go to) with a gym membership :p becouse they can freely use a big padded room that the gym has :p
AnimEdge said:
i choose mine called: American Ninjutsu becouse it manly reliys on realistic tactics along with traditional ones. That and i had a few friends in there who said they loved the class and its free (at lest the branch i go to) with a gym membership :p becouse they can freely use a big padded room that the gym has :p
welcome to the forum. nice to see a new face!
I saw a video with a traditional Eagle style Master do a finger poke, Heel palm, Claw, rake, jab and elbow, all in one motion flowing from one to the other collpasing in range as he closed the distance. all with the same hand in one motion. It was slowed down so you could see each strike. Amazing stuff considering it looked like a glancing elbow but the other guy could not continue, it was done at full speed. In slow motion you could see why, brilliant sophistication of simpicity and speed, the poke grazed his eye, the heel palm hit his chin the claw gouged his face and the rake pulled his head down slightly, the jab popped his head backwards and the the elbow hit him in the temple as he was falling. This level of sophistication is not taught for many generations in most interepetations of styles in the U.S. and only in the higest levels most other places. The sophistication is what seperates modern and traditional styles, people do not practice the right stuff enough to get to that level of sophistication and mastery. Very few have a Sifu that can even get you there today. Just my 2 cents.