why Karate (Oriental Martial arts)?


Black Belt
It seems to me that many countries (ethnicities?) ha a traditional self defense martial art. France has Savate. Here is a link to more List of 180+ Martial Arts Styles - Black Belt Wiki.

It also seems to me that the family of unarmed martial arts that started in India mover to China moved to Okinawa and then Japan and eventually the world which I will collectively refer to as "family of Karate" has spread more widely than most of the others on the above list.

Why has the one group been so successful at expanding world wide, While the others on the list are mostly localized? Or am I way off base on my understanding of the unarmed self defense world?

There’s was a French cultural movement called ‘Japonism’ when everyone became fascinated by all things Japanese (mainly visual arts but that expanded as the trend spread throughout Europe). Everything Japanese was seen as being refined, beautiful and very desirable. Van Gogh copied Hiroshige, Western actors pretended to be Japanese on stage, Hayakawa Sessue became a Western film star; the West couldn’t get enough of Japan! That Japanese cool (‘kakkoi’) rubbed off on the Japanese martial arts and that together with their linear, snappy digital (‘kime’) performance (as opposed to the circular, indistinct endpoints of the arts of other nations) made them very seductive.

As the Western eye began really understanding Japan (and indeed the East in general) the fascination for other Eastern cultures and martial arts spread further.

However, I don’t think anything has quite surpassed the all-seductive nature of the Japanese martial arts or culture…but…I’m a little bit biased.
Americas post war occupation of Japan opened up for Japanese culture and stuff to spread to the world ?
I believe that is a big factor in the spread of Asian Martial arts. But we have had troops spread all over the world in many other countries for a long time where other ethnic martial arts exist but has not had the same result.
I believe that is a big factor in the spread of Asian Martial arts. But we have had troops spread all over the world in many other countries for a long time where other ethnic martial arts exist but has not had the same result.
That hypothesis doesn’t really explain the early spread in Europe though; there was never an occupation of Japanese by European armed forces.. When the U.K. became the cultural 51st state of the US, in the 60s onwards, then perhaps.
It could be something to do with both Japan and Britain being essentially island peoples. The dominant thrust in global culture during the industrial revolution just happens to have been British- or rather English- and when Japan opened its borders and the British travelled there, they saw something of themselves in the Japanese. Also, the fact is that Japanese culture developed on a string of small islands with little arable land and few natural resources led to a culture of minimalism, making the most of absolutely everything- as exemplified by the borro textiles that have become popular recently- and these tendencies just happened to make a lot of sense in the world of the machine and later of the computer.
Since this forum is the only contact I have had with you I am pretty ignorant. Not to be offensive, but by chance is your ethnic heritage Asian?
Not at all! I’m of Indian heritage but I was born (England) and educated (Scotland) in Britain. 🥥

My bias comes from practising only Japanese martial arts and my cultural obsession with the Japanese nation.