Why I enjoy martial arts


3rd Black Belt
I enjoy martial arts very much for a variety of reasons. Martial arts will tend to bring out a persons true colors more so than most other things. It allows you to see what a person is like on the inside very quickly, and it allows you to see what they need. For example, a shy and insecure person wants to learn martial arts because they have been abused, and they want to learn how to defend themselves.
Alot of instructors make the mistake of pushing this person to spar hard. This person is insecure and has been abused, and is not comfortable with this. What will happen is they will be frightened, and they will quit. A person like this must be babied. Light sparring until they become more comfortable to go harder. You must let them know that its ok if they want to hit you harder. Eventually, once they realize that you are not going to abuse them, they will begin to feel comfortable with you, and begin to hit you harder. As there confidence grows, they can be paired up with others.
The big tough bully joins because he wants to be more proficient at hurting others. What you do here is the opposite. You abuse the student a little. Show them what it feels like to be bullied, all the while they see you babying the wimpy guy, watching the wimpy guy get better, as they get abused. Slowly you communicate to them that needlessly hurting others gets you nowhere. Once they have been humbled a mental growth will occur, and this student has started to learn real martial arts. If they have learned their lesson well enough, you could even pair up the once big bully, with the wimpy guy, and watch him develop a protectiveness for him. They could even become the best of friends. Because you have placed the tough guy in the abused guys place, he begins to see himself in the shy abused guy.
That is what martial arts is about. Uniting others, uniting styles. When I am asked what style of martial arts I practice, I usually say unification. This is one of the many reasons why
A class must be made to feel that they are brothers and sisters ( family) and learn that they can work together toward a goal. Once they start to feel that they are a part of something bigger than themselves they start to learn to be more positive about themselves and are able to grow as individuals
Hello, To learn to swim...you must jump in the water. Martial arts is learning to fight back/defend yourself.

On the streets...bullies/robbers looks for easy tarkets....you don't want to become one....martial arts teachs awareness, and to become stronger.

Why we enjoy martial arts....the new friendships,sharing knowledge,learning new things, becoming stronger, more prepare for the real world,helping others become martial artist, and lots of self-development/self-growth.

and it is nice to belong to something that is GOOD........Aloha
It becomes a personal interest And helps youlater with other aspects of your life. M/A is far more then learning just how to fight. It is learning how to also be a better person. Because you really never fight much outside of any training but you live each day. M/A gets to go every where you go And helps improve your job you home life you out look become more positive.At first I wnated to learn more on how to fight better. Found out so much more it teaches you to challenge your self
DeLamar.J said:
I enjoy martial arts very much for a variety of reasons. Martial arts will tend to bring out a persons true colors more so than most other things. It allows you to see what a person is like on the inside very quickly, and it allows you to see what they need. For example, a shy and insecure person wants to learn martial arts because they have been abused, and they want to learn how to defend themselves.
Alot of instructors make the mistake of pushing this person to spar hard. This person is insecure and has been abused, and is not comfortable with this. What will happen is they will be frightened, and they will quit. A person like this must be babied. Light sparring until they become more comfortable to go harder. You must let them know that its ok if they want to hit you harder. Eventually, once they realize that you are not going to abuse them, they will begin to feel comfortable with you, and begin to hit you harder. As there confidence grows, they can be paired up with others.
The big tough bully joins because he wants to be more proficient at hurting others. What you do here is the opposite. You abuse the student a little. Show them what it feels like to be bullied, all the while they see you babying the wimpy guy, watching the wimpy guy get better, as they get abused. Slowly you communicate to them that needlessly hurting others gets you nowhere. Once they have been humbled a mental growth will occur, and this student has started to learn real martial arts. If they have learned their lesson well enough, you could even pair up the once big bully, with the wimpy guy, and watch him develop a protectiveness for him. They could even become the best of friends. Because you have placed the tough guy in the abused guys place, he begins to see himself in the shy abused guy.
That is what martial arts is about. Uniting others, uniting styles. When I am asked what style of martial arts I practice, I usually say unification. This is one of the many reasons why
Hey there Jay :) well I understand exactly why you must enjoy your arts gaining so much and few would disagree with that sentiment! And in what you are saying it is good you have formulated your thoughts into something which could be useful and beneficial to others after all what is the point of creating hypotheses if you are the SOLE benefactor and I follow the reasoning of how you are putting your blocks together to construct a tower here... but look at what you have built my friend.. it is not maybe so straight.. ?

I would say that to put together a bully and a victim sounds textbook lovely and nice.. to rephrase and say that balance is achieved by joining hands of an abuser and the abused is a thing that is disagreeable to me to hear... if people were really as superficial and jigsaw-edged as this then all of us would be great puzzle solvers going from place to place dropping in missing pieces to broken lives but alas we are all of us complicated and I hope you would understand this if you yourself are representative of any of these positions you describe... But this is not to take away from your thoughts .. not at all.. and I will say well done for putting them down and I hope you will elaborate further and research and let me know what you discern after that..

Be good.. oh and of course I cannot help noticing and hope you would not think me disrespectful of your faith to ask was LaVey in any ways fraudulent with himself?? to me in my ignorance.. a Mussolini masquerading as a friend of the peoples, no? *interested*

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Jenna said:
Hey there Jay :) well I understand exactly why you must enjoy your arts gaining so much and few would disagree with that sentiment! And in what you are saying it is good you have formulated your thoughts into something which could be useful and beneficial to others after all what is the point of creating hypotheses if you are the SOLE benefactor and I follow the reasoning of how you are putting your blocks together to construct a tower here... but look at what you have built my friend.. it is not maybe so straight.. ?

I would say that to put together a bully and a victim sounds textbook lovely and nice.. to rephrase and say that balance is achieved by joining hands of an abuser and the abused is a thing that is disagreeable to me to hear... if people were really as superficial and jigsaw-edged as this then all of us would be great puzzle solvers going from place to place dropping in missing pieces to broken lives but alas we are all of us complicated and I hope you would understand this if you yourself are representative of any of these positions you describe... But this is not to take away from your thoughts .. not at all.. and I will say well done for putting them down and I hope you will elaborate further and research and let me know what you discern after that..

Be good.. oh and of course I cannot help noticing and hope you would not think me disrespectful of your faith to ask was LaVey in any ways fraudulent with himself?? to me in my ignorance.. a Mussolini masquerading as a friend of the peoples, no? *interested*

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

It doesn't always work out the way I described in the story, sometimes people just can't cut it in martial arts no matter what you do. But every so often it works out good.
As far as LaVey goes, there are quite a few rumors out there. I have read most of them. But I have came to the conclusion that no matter what people say, I will never know for sure. One person denies, then another acusation follows, its a never ending cycle. Even if some of the rumors are true, I still can't deny that I am a Satanist. Even if Anton LaVey was a crooked person, he still wrote a book that described my personality better than any one else ever has. I take no offence at all to your questions, feel free to ask anything you want to know.
DeLamar.J said:
Even if Anton LaVey was a crooked person, he still wrote a book that described my personality better than any one else ever has. I take no offence at all to your questions, feel free to ask anything you want to know.
Hey there Jay :) though I could not be persuaded to LaVey I think these are enlightened words of yours my friend that your beliefs are representative of who YOU are as a person and I think if this applied to us all it would make living with our ideals easier than it probably currently does.. thank you for explaining :) and sorry for nudging your thread off target...

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

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