Why every martial art on earth will get you killed in self defencemy

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Sure. I have sparred with Bruce lee, ed Parker and hello Gracie and guess what....they are all now dead....there what more proof do people need now send me your cash and you get a free t shirt
I hit Muhammad Ali with the delayed death touch when I sparred with him back in ‘82. I’m pretty sure everyone knows how that turned out for him.

And I was 6 when I did that. Being 42, I’ve been refining it for the last 6 decades or so since. I can teach it to anyone, but I can only do that by hitting them with it. I’ll gladly give the option for how long you want the death touch delay. But the longer the delay, the more it’ll cost ya. I don’t want you running around on YouTube and giving my secrets away or selling them so it becomes a style that’ll get you beaten or killed. We all know how styles turn out.
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I just attack. It’s self offense. And I don’t use a any style when I attack, because that’ll get me beaten or killed too.

Pure attacking without style will kill and beat everything. It’s a proven fact. Every self defense style gets you killed or beaten. Don’t defend, just attack!!! Without style!!!

Edit: I can still be fashionable without style, right?
I just attack. It’s self offense. And I don’t use a any style when I attack, because that’ll get me beaten or killed too.

Pure attacking without style will kill and beat everything. It’s a proven fact. Every self defense style gets you killed or beaten. Don’t defend, just attack!!! Without style!!!

Edit: I can still be fashionable without style, right?

Winning with style is how you get to be Kycho, Soke, and grandmaster.
No, all styles get you beaten or killed.

Even hairstyles.
ill have you know.... being bald is not a hairstyle. it's a mark of distinction I am aiming for, but have yet to fully achieve.

But my /sark comment was directed at the 10,000 Soke and other 10 dan Kychos running around.
Nobody beats Frank Dux.

Haven't you ever seen the highly regarded martial arts documentary, Bloodsport?
Wasn't he a navy seal for a while, and in the CIA and won the Medal of Honor..... seems like he walked all that back tho.

What a ninja.... wait a second.... Ninjitsu is a Style!
Wasn't he a navy seal for a while, and in the CIA and won the Medal of Honor..... seems like he walked all that back tho.

What a ninja.... wait a second.... Ninjitsu is a Style!
I'm pretty sure Dux Ryu is the one and only style on Earth that won't get you beaten or killed.
All of you have unfortunately failed at naming the right invincible master.

Obviously it’s Master Splinter.
All of you have unfortunately failed at naming the right invincible master.

Obviously it’s Master Splinter.

nope its Master Shredder for the win....
He just killed the Silver Samurai on Epic Deathbattle
Skip to the fight at 13 minutes 51 seconds.
Cause I watched some YouTube videos now I'm a 10th degree black belt in every style and my friends dads sons aunts moms sisters dog did martial arts and got beat up so that means martial arts is terrible and you will die a painful death if you do it.

But fear not my friends I have invented a brand new style which is the best thing ever and I will share for a small fee of 5000 pounds a week. A small price to pay for learning the only way to survive on this earth.

No need to thank me my friends it's the least I can do.

And look. there is no such thing as a superior style because martial arts success is about the individual. So long as people are having fun that is the important factor. This style is more specifically designed for combat in a modern context so it is better for modern fighting. And the IDF do it.

And anyone who hasn't trained in this style does not have the authority to judge whether the style works or not. And so we can only go off the opinion of a qualified expert. Which in this case would have to be the creator of that style.

So yeah seems legit to me.
I hit Muhammad Ali with the delayed death touch when I sparred with him back in ‘82. I’m pretty sure everyone knows how that turned out for him.

And I was 6 when I did that. Being 42, I’ve been refining it for the last 6 decades or so since. I can teach it to anyone, but I can only do that by hitting them with it. I’ll gladly give the option for how long you want the death touch delay. But the longer the delay, the more it’ll cost ya. I don’t want you running around on YouTube and giving my secrets away or selling them so it becomes a style that’ll get you beaten or killed. We all know how styles turn out.

Same but it was Michael J Fox.
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