I think the summation is that in the U.S. there's a lot of people,
soiling the good name of TKD, in their own pursuit of money.
This influences a lot of people's perception of TKD as a whole,
mostly due to prejudice, and possibly jealousy. In the U.S., TKD
is THE most popular martial art. Some have watered their art
down because of greed, some are former students, now teachers
of these people, and some in other arts are just jealous, or need
some kind of b.s. validation of their own style, and they get that
by dogging on another style. We
should all agree that
watered down styles, McDojos, etc can happen in ANY style, not
just TKD. The problem is that since TKD is the most popular m.a.
style, the law of numbers says that they'd have the largest
number of McDojos and people ruining it's good name.
Just like school pride, people naturally get offended when they
get dragged into the dirt with the truly dirty. Yet people go on
about it

I only quit TKD because I felt I was just too
big of a person to be doing so much jumping, so I opted for an
art that did little to none. And I must say, I find it just a bit
disturbing that week after week THIS thread is at the top.
Let's stop what NON TKD'ers feel about your art, and
let's start discussing techniques, forms, instructors, history,
future of, etc. This thread is 11 pages long ... and all we got
was what we had in the beginning ... Non TKD'ers don't like
TKD ... big surprise there!