Why does everyone mouth off on TKD?

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Yeah, once we got down to talking calmly, the debate at hand became much clearer to me. I regret that I had to get off on such a wrong foot with a good guy...
*sigh* an otherwise entertaining argument was braught to an abrupt end due to people being reasonable. What is the online Martial Arts community comming to? :-p
2 reasons why TKD is made fun of./ as a M A

first and formost there best aspect is there kicking but sicne most street fights end up with people swinging punchs it leaves the tkd person in trouble.also grapplers have a easy time with people in TKD they dont have any ground work once there down. ( there down for the count)

second alot of schools that do tkd suck in the us. My friend take TKD and his second school he went to packed up overnight and left after getting the money and some schools give out Belts like candy on halloween .

Just somthing for you to chew on
Originally posted by Marginal

Well, there's always rec.martial-arts if you absolutely need unreasonable.

Heh. Yup. You might have better luck in alt.martial-arts.*, e.g. alt.martial-arts.tae-kwon-do and the lesser-used alt.martial-arts.tae-kwon.do (yes, a typo in the group name). See groups.google.com for those without newsgroup access.
yeah I used to go through those, there actualy are some good posts every once in a wial... But it takes ALOT of time to find them.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

2 reasons why TKD is made fun of./ as a M A

first and formost there best aspect is there kicking but sicne most street fights end up with people swinging punchs it leaves the tkd person in trouble.also grapplers have a easy time with people in TKD they dont have any ground work once there down. ( there down for the count)

second alot of schools that do tkd suck in the us. My friend take TKD and his second school he went to packed up overnight and left after getting the money and some schools give out Belts like candy on halloween .

Just somthing for you to chew on

1. Yeah Right. Try to be on the receiving end of a TKD kick. Then let's see if you will still say the same thing again.

2. Your friend picks the wrong schools. Those schools suck. Not TKD itself.
I have been kicked in the head many times by a TKD practitioner, it wasn't realy all that bad.. dislocated my jaw but it wasn't as bad as getting punched by him :-p
Judo-kid, to your second statement- very true ,there are MANY 'bad' TKD schools in the US.There are many bad ______ ( insert stlye) schools in the US also.
To your first point- I have broken 7 half inch boards (duck taped together for the holders sake) with a reverse punch. While this may not seem like much of an accomplishment to a karate yellow belt- it was pretty good for helpless little TKD guy.By the way, I assume that your 'ground work' comes from your Judo training - not your Karate practise.So your point about TKD could also be made in reference to the Karate you take.
The first MA I trained in was Judo (for 3 yrs.),and a more incomplete art I have not been able to find! As you continue with your studies of MA you will probably find thar most Arts have 'holes' in them, that can be 'patched' with other stlyes.This is true of TKD- but no more so than the arts you list in your profile.
Just a few things for you to chew on.:EG:
Originally posted by Judo-kid

also grapplers have a easy time with people in TKD they dont have any ground work once there down. ( there down for the count)

Problem is, most fights start STANDING UP, so unless the grappler knows their stuff better than their opponent knows theirs there isn't going to be a "down for the count". ITS NOT THE ART ITS THE PRACTITIONER. Different arts have different (and often very similar techniques) and its very easy to find holes in all of them. Different people and different body types suit different arts. The more important thing is how well you know and can execute your own style.

Train hard,
Artful Dodger
Originally posted by fissure

The first MA I trained in was Judo (for 3 yrs.),and a more incomplete art I have not been able to find!

Bear in mind that judo includes atemi, self-defense, etc., but almost all schools only teach 'sport judo'. Judging judo by sport judo is like judging TKD by tournament schools.
fissure, Look at judo kid's posts on the genneral board, his perspective on things is simular to yours, the reason he trains in what he does is to fill in the various holes his various arts have.
judo kid generalises a wee bit too much. And whats up with that school that packed up and took all the money..... uh that wasnt a TKD school, that was a scam posing as a TKD school to steal peoples money. Judging TKD based on one criminals activities is pretty silly.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Ok to clear some things up for you/
Number 1 i am a good stand up fighter and practice standing fighting and ground fighting and train at 2 schools

Number 2 Breaking boards is diffrent from breaking ribs/bones etc
First off your bones bend somewhat and are flexable like the ribs
Breaking boards your breaking a peace of OLD DRY wood
If you know anything about wood you know wood dos not bend and usally you have it posted agaist or held up so you can kick it. Now I have been kicked by diffrent people some being black belts and yes i did get kicked hard . But was i hurt No Was disabled No
and did i still do the take down
Listen TDk dosnt have the strongest kicks i am not saying there kicks are weak but throw a Kick boxer in with A tdk guy and say good nite tdk guy. Just somthing For you to slip on.
Your friend Judo-Kid
You know being able to kick someone and not do them real damage is called "control"... I'll understand if this is an alien subject to you though.
Original post by Judo-kid:
first and formost there best aspect is there kicking but sicne most street fights end up with people swinging punchs it leaves the tkd person in trouble.
Hence my reference to punching.No boards are not the same as ribs, but weak punchers can't do much with either.
Just because you have 'taken' kicks from the green belts you hane fought, do you beleive there is no one anywhere who could harm you with a kicking tech,?
Sweeper -
fissure, Look at judo kid's posts on the genneral board, his perspective on things is simular to yours, the reason he trains in what he does is to fill in the various holes his various arts have.
Indeed, but I don't go to the Kempo board and tell them how there art is poor. I have no experience with Kempo and would not presume to comment on the art, that they have spent years or decades traing in.
I should (and have in other forums) taken his age and lack of experience into consideration. but I will always take offence at blanket statements such as he makes.
Id like to restate my previous position.....judo kid generalises way too much.

I've broken ribs....I've knocked people out.... with kicks......and all before I joined Muay Thai! I refuse to believe I am the only TKD artist capable of such things but if you want to stroke my ego and tell me I'm the only one in TKD that can you go right ahead!

p.s. the few times I've broken someones ribs it was an accident, I wasn't even focusing my power. When I have broken boards it has taken all my focus and concentration. The only reason I state this is because you have a strange idea of the strength of human ribs.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
No, you're not the only one, unless we're the only two people doing TKD that have? It's true, ribs break easy, not as easy as boards, but still snapping them is never as hard as you'd think.
aww cmon...let me have my illusions of grandeur... I was starting to think I was a super ninja.

wait, wait... I can still salvage my fantasy.... YOU AND I are super ninjas, ya thats right. We are the only ones obviously and by dumbluck we have encountered eachother. Nice to meet you fellow super ninja who there are only 2 of in the world!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Brother! All this time I've walked the lands, thinking I was alone. Oh happy day! We can be like that film and computer game, double dragon... but I get to be Mark Dacascos, you can be the guy from party of five. no wait that means you've kissed jennifer love hewitt. oh I'm so confussed. Being a super ninja is hard sometimes...

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