Why does everyone mouth off on TKD?

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That's crazy! In the ITF it takes about 25 yrs. to get a 7th Dan. Obviously something seriously wrong at that school. Don't judge TKD based on that non sense.
"This was again an ATA Tae Kwon Do School, and most people I have talk to say they SUCK. But they give all you other TKD'ers out there a BAD NAME."

You're damn skippy they are giving TKD a bad name. In ITF and WTF you cant even get second degree untill a certain age let alone 7th...that has got to be a joke or something.

Your complaint number 2 and 3 just support that they havent a clue what they are doing, does anyone actually still practice self defence with the attacker holding his punch straight out for you to manipulate? Maybe this was a parody martial arts demonstration? That would have been my first question to their instructor.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Ok, I just re-read that about the 7th dan 10 year old ......WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That's the ATA? I know for damn sure it's not the WTF, because like Damian said, there's age restrictions. In the WTF, you have to be 40 something to get a 7th dan (I think). What's the full name on the ATA? I wanna look them up and get a good laugh :rofl:
Just for the comment about holding the arm out to be manipulated - it's still done, and I actually had a semi-argument with a 5th Dan about it. They do it 1-step sparring, the attacker comes forward in a forward stance, and does a mid section punch, mean while you're standing there in your ready position.

Normally I wouldn't do 1-step like this, I'd always been taught it from a fighting stance position and the guy steps through with the punch and you counter, if you wait too long the guy will slap you. After a few goes you quickly learn to make certain moves instinctive! I asked the instructor why he still taught it in the forward stance and he said "because it's traditional, it's just there to simulate what would happen if someone attacked you". Now I haven't been a large amount of fights, which I'm happy about, but how many people have ever been attacked by someone whilst you've stood there in a ready stance, and they've thrown a straight mid section punch in a forward stance???

It doesn't happen. complete bulls**t. And also when you attack the person they stay in exactly the same position, so if you kick them in the ribs with a sidekick they'll keep standing there with their arm held out, which again I doubt would really happen. Sorry just got some issues at the moment! :)
Ok, I can laugh now :rofl: 6 Year old BB's HAHAHAHAHAHAH That is too funny. Don't get me wrong. I love watchin the kids in class. They are cute when they learn techniques, but the 6 year old BB thing is a little un-realistic, don't ya think?
6 years old??? I was in the local park yesturday with a friend and his 4 year old son... children better grow very fast between the ages of 4 and 6 is all I can say! Hmmm, and they're holding a black belt camp? That would be interesting to check out I think.

"The ATA's vision for the 21st Century includes the mission to develop the best black belts in the world." hmmm, not a 6 years old they're not!
Taken from the ATA message board:

My Instructor has done somenthing I disagree with. he has made some 4 year olds Jr Instructors. I thought they had to be at least 6. and one of them whines and cries when it is time to come to class. At 4 I don't think they undestand the meaning of being a Jr. instructor. Am I missing something? What you all think?

Tiny Tiger Instructor


are there many organisations/clubs that do things like this??? No wonder tkd gets such a bad name!!!
Okay, so for you TDKers out there ... you've heard some horror
stories associated with TKD in the states. Given that, can you
at least understand where some of the bashing stems from?
I didn't before joining this board because I'd never seen something so shockingly bad to be honest. But now, yep, I understand, I still can't believe that it's just TKD that has bad schools.... there just seem to be more of them though, so you're bound to get bad ones.

I was very suprised when I heard TKD was the most popular martial art because it's really not very big over in the UK. There's a lot going on, but most people just know Karate, Kung Fu, and Judo. When you mention taekwondo a lot of people will go "what's that? The one that involves folding paper?" :S
Originally posted by white dragon

I didn't before joining this board because I'd never seen something so shockingly bad to be honest. But now, yep, I understand, I still can't believe that it's just TKD that has bad schools.... there just seem to be more of them though, so you're bound to get bad ones.

I was very suprised when I heard TKD was the most popular martial art because it's really not very big over in the UK. There's a lot going on, but most people just know Karate, Kung Fu, and Judo. When you mention taekwondo a lot of people will go "what's that? The one that involves folding paper?" :S

It is NOT just TKD. But TKD is so popular over here, when you do
the numbers people SEE more bad TKD schools, because there's
more TKD schools than other styles. Where I live, there's more
probably more TKD schools than others combined!
You'd think an instructor might think "hmmm there are already 5 schools in a 15 minute walk.... maybe this town doesn't need another"
Originally posted by white dragon

You'd think an instructor might think "hmmm there are already 5 schools in a 15 minute walk.... maybe this town doesn't need another"

Seems like quite a few come in, make their money and then either
leave, or relocate. One friend of mine is a red belt, and is now
faced with the option of finding another TKD school which will
ALSO let him keep his rank (often isn't allowed around here),
driving an hour out of town to go to the new location, or starting
over fresh, at a new school, and/or new style.
sounds like starting over at a new club may not be too bad. However bad it'll be to go down the ranks.
Kirk said

"Okay, so for you TDKers out there ... you've heard some horror
stories associated with TKD in the states. Given that, can you
at least understand where some of the bashing stems from?"

Yes, now I know where it's coming from. F$%&ing ATA!!!! Most would think it was the WTF. NOT! At least, the WTF has rules! I say that us REAL TKD people go and beat the crap outta ATA! Ok, I'm being a little unreasonable, but they are making us look bad. Not all TKD schools or assn's are like that. That pisses me off. Sorry mods, but it does.
karatekid1975, unfortunately this was an ITF school. He had a
contract guaranteeing him a black belt in 2 years.
Originally posted by white dragon

Taken from the ATA message board:

My Instructor has done somenthing I disagree with. he has made some 4 year olds Jr Instructors. I thought they had to be at least 6. and one of them whines and cries when it is time to come to class. At 4 I don't think they undestand the meaning of being a Jr. instructor.

I'm stunned. I have nothing to say.

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