Why does everyone mouth off on TKD?

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I think you two are more like Goko and Krillin from Dragonball.Your super powers are probably beyond comprehension :eek:
I have competed in many USTU tournaments.Even with opponents wearing chest protectors, I have droppped dozens of opponents.These are Black belt adults at State and National levels.Maybe if you guys let me I could be a third 'super TKD' dude, of course I would'nt be qiute on your level - maybe your slow clumsey side kick or something:EG:
hmmm, well maybe, you can be the side kick character, every hero needs one, plus when they make the action figures of us you can be included in the delux edition boxset. All we need now is a catch phrase and a theme tune.

What's a UTSU by the way?
United States Taekwon do Union.The American 'branch' of the WTF.The USTU is the only ORG. recognized in the US by the IOC, for the purpose of selecting the American Olympic team.
How about the "TKD trio" or maybe "Fantatic Fighting Thresome"- 'Triple F' for short.:)
We are getting away from the point I was trying to make , but -
Bear in mind that judo includes atemi, self-defense, etc., but almost all schools only teach 'sport judo'. Judging judo by sport judo is like judging TKD by tournament schools.
In the 3 Judo dojo I have been associated with ( keep in mind this was 20 + yrs ago !), I never saw a strike of any kind used.I was not aware that real Judo was a more complete art.I stand corrected.I try to never even comment (especially negatively), on MAs I don't have extensive experience in.If I have done so in this case -I appologise. :asian:

i fought tkd ppl, they suck!!!!

dont know why the art is so famous, maybe cuz it sucks so much.
i fought tkd ppl, they suck!!!!
dont know why the art is so famous, maybe cuz it sucks so much
It's so nice to meet classy open minded people like yourself.
Next time your in Florida, make sure you let me know so you can stop by and show me how much I suck.Jack asses such as yourself are the reason ADULTS often leave message boards, we just get tired of big mouthed little piss-ants like you.
"Jack of all trades, master of none." and a complete c*&t to boot it seems. Thanks for your valid input there.
Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful
arnisador, If I go to the Kempo (or any other 'stlye' forum) and tell them that they and their art suck, should I not expect to have my nose bloodied?
Yes, thats a fair expectaion. We just don't want this thread (which has a lot of good, useful content) to turn into a flamefest. I've personally enjoyed the information in here, and would rather see everyone focus on that. :)

Couple of things to keep in mind when someone decides to 'flame':
1- dont feed the trolls/fire
2- use the 'report to moderator' function.
3- use the "ignore user" feature.

I'm annoyed that I can so easily forget about the whole "self control" thing. Sorry for speaking out of line, let's just hope we hear no more from that particular troll.
Originally posted by fissure

arnisador, If I go to the Kempo (or any other 'stlye' forum) and tell them that they and their art suck, should I not expect to have my nose bloodied?

Yes, that would be a reasonable expectation, though we could always hope for a better response! Bear in mind that the note was directed to all participants in the thread--not to anyone in particular. The purpose is not to discourage you from discussing this, or even from expressing your outrage, but rather to remind everyone to maintain a certain level of decorum. If you feel someone has overstepped the bounds, please report it to a moderator.

In other words, feel free to bloody a nose, but don't rip off an arm! When it gets to that point call a bouncer instead.

-MT Mod-
I'm annoyed that I can so easily forget about the whole "self control" thing. Sorry for speaking out of line, let's just hope we hear no more from that particular troll.
You seemed fairly controlled to me white dragon.I know I was.I have qiute an impressive vocabulary of obsene and derogatory comments that, if I were uncontrolled and had used, would probably gotten me banned!;) I'm quite proud of my self control!:)
I guess that's just my polite English nature for you
I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm English too.Maybe being around all these Americans for so long has tarnished my polite and humble manner!:EG:
I was born in Tooting, London. I lived in Crawley, Sussex - seems like a hundred years ago.
I responded to judo guy because he had comments that could be discussed, I wont respond to hand2handcombat because hes just being ridiculous and most likely joking.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
ok well I don't practice TKD but I tihnk I should hop in for a second, Judo kid, Kicking is REALY easy.. take a totaly unskilled person and have them kcik you in the shin full force and even with their biomechanicly incorrect form they are gona do some dammage, maybe even fracture your shin (if they have shoes on).

Now take anyone who actualy practices kicking, I don't care who the heck they are, they are gona be able to do some dammage, the guy that kicked you was either holding back or a total moron.

Now to the rib thing, bones are flexable pluss people tend to pull back or walk into blows wich makes breaking them unpredictable, you can't compare breaking wood to breaking bones (with the posable exception of your shin) because the situations are so vastly diffrent, a person could walk into a gentel kick and break a rib or flinch from a power kick ond not break one..

For those of you who have broken ribs I'm curious was it a break or were they seperated ribs?
They were actual cracks along the ribs from a turning kick, it's hard but it's something us super ninjas have to live with. The kick was actually against a good friend, ho at the time wasn't such a good friend and there was drink involved and I'd rather the situation hadn't happened, but it's reasuring to know my kicks are effective outside the dojang as well as in.

fissure - ahhh, I have fond memories of Tooting as I used to go out with a girl from them. Why on earth did you leave London? Sussex I can understand, but London...??? :D

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