Mr. Bush, in the State of the Union address, again slurred the Democratic Party by referring to it as the "Democrat majority".
That Mr. Bush shows such contempt of, at minimum, a third of America, speaks volumes, I think.
It's nice to know that since the original post, the Democratic Party took 31 seats away from the Republican Party in the United States House of Representatives and 6 seats away from the Republican Party in the United States Senate. And, a number of State legislatures also added Democratic Seats.
It is the 'Democratic Party', Mr. President.
Since this horse hasn't been beaten enough yet. . .
After re-reading your first two posts I noticed that when you quoted President Bush, he didn't include the word 'Party' either. Does that make a difference? Does it make it even more insulting to you that he didn't just drop the '-ic', but '-ic Party'? Just curious.
Anyway, as I was saying; he didn't say 'Democrat Party majority', he said 'democrat majority', which may include the independent. If this were the case he would be implying that the members of the Republicanistic Party are not democrats. Lower-case democrats being those that advocate for democracy and social equality.
Basically, in his state of the union address Mr. Bush (to take a common media phrase) admits that Publican Party members are not advocates of democracy, nor do they stand for social justice! Hmmm. It appears you and the President have found some common understanding.