The Next US President

Where is our Ross Perot Type in this campagin to liven things up LOL! Please Nader
Mark Weiser said:
Where is our Ross Perot Type in this campagin to liven things up LOL! Please Nader
Ross Perot Type ?

You mean someone who can analogize a 7 trillion dollar national economy to 'getting under the hood and fixin' it'?

Someone who thinks that 'flip-charts' are a way to govern / lead?

Someone just a little bit nutty about his privacy?

Someone just a little bit paranoid about meeting with those opposed to him?

Ain't he already in the White House?

hardheadjarhead said:
Frustrating, isn't it? I bet they were undergraduates, too. Even bright youngsters can be ignorant as all get out.
They actually seemed older than that, honestly. They actually reminded me of just-out-of-the-womb MBAs.

But you're absolutely right, ignorance is hardly limited to the Right. I attended a small liberal-arts college, and was primarily surrounded by fellow leftists... however, most of them assumed that I was some kind of baby-eating tree-destroying monster because of my focus on military history. I was called "Warmonger" more times than I can remember.

These were the days of the first Clinton election, and political discussions usually boiled down to "I hate George Bush!" Sigh.
PeachMonkey said:
They actually seemed older than that, honestly. They actually reminded me of just-out-of-the-womb MBAs.

But you're absolutely right, ignorance is hardly limited to the Right. I attended a small liberal-arts college, and was primarily surrounded by fellow leftists... however, most of them assumed that I was some kind of baby-eating tree-destroying monster because of my focus on military history. I was called "Warmonger" more times than I can remember.

These were the days of the first Clinton election, and political discussions usually boiled down to "I hate George Bush!" Sigh.

Back in the early Reagan years I recall a young woman who was quite well educated and very far to the left. Her response to anything positive about the administration was to literally raise her fist in the air and yell "Lies! LIES!" She then would fail to give cogent arguments from the leftist perspective. Unlike your MBA's she wasn't ignorant...just to impassioned to effectively debate.

I like to think that as youngsters get older they get more involved with current events. I may be deluding myself.


upnorthkyosa said:
I'm dying. That was so funny. As far as ironic wordplay goes, that takes the cake. I bow to the master. :asian:

CALGARY, Alberta - Mr. Bernard F. Isautier, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PetroKazakhstan Inc. ("PetroKazakhstan") is pleased to announce that Mr. Jean Chrétien, former Prime Minister of Canada has accepted to become a Special Adviser to the company for International Relations.

Jean Chrétien was born in Shawinigan, Quebec on January 11, 1934. Mr. Chrétien received a Bachelors of Arts from St. Joseph Seminary in Trois-Rivières in 1955, and a law degree from Laval University in 1958. Subsequently, he joined the law firm of Chrétien, Landry, Deschenes, Trudel and Normand, in Shawinigan. He also served as Director of the Bar of Trois-Rivières in 1962-63.

Mr. Chrétien was first elected to the House of Commons in 1963 as the Member of Parliament for Saint-Maurice-Lafleche (Quebec). Over the following thirty years, he held various senior posts in Liberal governments, including Minister of Justice, Minister of Finance and Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources. In June 1990, Mr. Chrétien was elected leader of the Liberal Party and following the national election of 1993, Mr. Chrétien was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada. As Prime Minister, he was re-elected Member of Parliament in 1997 and 2000. He retired as Prime Minister of Canada in December 2003.

On January 5, 2004, Mr. Chrétien joined the Ottawa office of law firm Heenan Blaikie as counsel.
No wordplay here. Just the facts.


We discussed that relation on a thread about Secret Societies. On top of being kinsman, they both belong to a death obsessed brotherhood at Yale called Skull and Bones.
IS the Skull and Bones a death-obsessed secret society? I just imagined it was another secret society that protected its members as a #1 priority. Whence the death obsession?
Feisty Mouse said:
IS the Skull and Bones a death-obsessed secret society? I just imagined it was another secret society that protected its members as a #1 priority. Whence the death obsession?

I refer you to the following resources:

While their practices and origins are disturbing, in the end, I think it's just another fraternity... good for airing psychosexual abnormalities among other WASPs, and building networks of power and influence for the future:
upnorthkyosa said:
We discussed that relation on a thread about Secret Societies. On top of being kinsman, they both belong to a death obsessed brotherhood at Yale called Skull and Bones.
I believe President Nickname actually has a skull and bones nickname of 'Temporary' (or something similar) because he couldn't think of a nickname for himself during pledge week (or what ever it is called when they initiate you). I found that to be quite Ironic.

hardheadjarhead said:
Frustrating, isn't it? I bet they were undergraduates, too. Even bright youngsters can be ignorant as all get out.

I quizzed a young lady (21 years old) about the looming war in Iraq (just prior to the invasion). She was outspoken in her opposition to it. I asked her if she knew who the president of Iraq was...she couldn't name him.

She also couldn't name the ethnic groups in Iraq, any bordering nations, or name the two major rivers flowing through it. She got one of fifty questions right by saying that the major religion was "Muslim" (sic), but couldn't name the two conflicting sects of the religion. She also couldn't name the Sec of State of the U.S. or the Sec Def.

I wager a youngster favoring the war would have failed as miserably. So much for the notion of an informed electorate, eh?


Folks - as you may have guessed, I am not a Kerry/Edwards supporter - However, neither am I a Liberal Opposer or Conservative Supporter. I do not have time to do justice to my political discussion (as per the definition - open to debate:)) since I am at work, but I had to add my two cents.

Just as Jay Leno is able to find those numbskulls during his "man" on the street interviews (identified Kerry as Lurch from the Adams Family), there are many under informed/ over opinionated schleps on every side of every issue (sports/politics et al). My point however is more to the tome of Bush is evil and will cause the downfall of society (we survived Pierce, Filmore and Carter!) and the general hatred for the man. I remember vividly the end of Mr. Clinton's first term ("he kilt Vince Foster with hemlock and dumped him in FT. Marcy Park hisself, herd it from my kusin...") that if 'we' did rid ourselves of this beast the world would end (if republicans were as talented as Moore and Bon Jovi there would have movies and songs but alas, we just add well).

In retrospection, we are still here and we will endure whoever sullies/exemplifies the Office of the President as we will with Misters Kerry or Bush. Not all conservatives/liberals are dumb and evil as evidenced by some of the excellent points (FM, PM and the JarHead:)), but if we have differing opinions (I study Mr. Parker's Kenpo for example) it doesn't mean the others are obtuse, but simply different approaches to the issues - I have kids and support education for instance.

BTW - The two rivers in Baghdad are the Uphaseities and

Regards - Glenn.
I hear you Mike - I was rooting for the Kucinich / Sharpton ticket, personally. It would make for an entertaining few months to say the least.

I grew up in Cleveland, and remember when Kucinich was the mayor. Interesting character, he was.

Can i jst say being a Scotish guy i think i hav it bad with Tony Blair but i really feel for u americans with people like bush over there. He is a real laughin stock over here! (no offence to his supporters........ahem, hehe only jokin!)
I like Other too. Definitely NOT Jesse Ventura. He gave everyone a refund not worth much but now we need the money back in the budget, made our schools so much worse, and most of the time he was promoting himself trying to capitalize on being a governor. TW of M'sota

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