Who will impact EPAK the most in the next 10 years?

Who will impact EPAK the most in the next 10 years

  • Tom Kelly

  • Steve LaBounty

  • Paul Mills

  • Mike Pick

  • Huk Planas

  • John Sepulveda

  • Chuck Sullivan

  • Larry Tatum

  • Frank Trejo

  • Somebody else -- please name in your reply

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Big Don speak Big Truth!!!

The people who will have the biggest impact on the future of Kenpo??

Those who:
  • work hard
  • apply their entire being to what they're doing, Consistently
  • give them selves to their students/instructors and classmates
  • Keep an open mind
  • Maintain common sense
  • continually sharpen their abilities
  • perpetually refine the BASICS
  • and
  • CARE about the future of Kenpo!
Screw worrying about WHO.... (Kenpo shouldn't be the 'cult of personality')
MAKE IT YOU!!!!!!!!!

Your Brother
I personally feel it will be the younger black belts who will step up and learn from the past. I feel it will be someone who will be in service to kenpo and not be looking for personal recognition but who will be recognized for their efforts. Wes Idol, Josh Ryer, Vishal Shukla, Michael Miller, Jim McClure, and Scott Montoya are some of the future leaders. These gentlemen have a passion for kenpo and I feel good about our future with these gentlemen carrying the torch. I know there are others not mentioned and I certainly hope that it becomes a consistant theme that our black belts are trying to serve kenpo and the communities they live in. It will not just happen, it will take hard work and effort to influence others.

"The heights by great men reached and kept,
Were not attained by sudden flight.
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Vishal Shukla posted something recently about making a difference. If we can get our kenpo community to step up and try to be a part of making a difference we all win, and kenpo wins.
Bob White
To impact the Parker system, the organization needs to teach the Parker system not a deviation thereof.

So the answer is to traditionalize a "system" that was never intended to be traditionalized?

Big Don speak Big Truth!!!

The people who will have the biggest impact on the future of Kenpo??

Those who:
  • work hard
  • apply their entire being to what they're doing, Consistently
  • give them selves to their students/instructors and classmates
  • Keep an open mind
  • Maintain common sense
  • continually sharpen their abilities
  • perpetually refine the BASICS
  • and
  • CARE about the future of Kenpo!
Screw worrying about WHO.... (Kenpo shouldn't be the 'cult of personality')
MAKE IT YOU!!!!!!!!!

Your Brother

I with Big Don and my brother, John.

I seek out knowledge from the different off-shoots to get their take on Kenpo. I would rather not limit my study by only accepting that one way is better than another. I feel they all have something to offer and teach me.

At the end of the day, it's about making the kenpo your own. Some may hesitate or even refuse to get on the mat with me because I don't subscribe to their way of thinking. That's fine, there's plenty of free thinking and knowledgable kenpoist out there that are willing to share their perspectives and also willing to admit they don't know it all and are just as willing to learn as I. IHMO, those folks are part of the spirit of "brotherhood" SGM Parker envisioned.

That "brotherhood" is what will be necessary to not only impact, but advance Kenpo in the next 10 years and beyond. IMHO =-)
I think we'd have a prayer of answering this question if we could first come to an agreement on who has impacted American Kenpo in the last 10 years.
The great thing about this thread is that it started 1/2004, so we are already past the half-decade mark, and has anyone gotten any closer to the answer?
i like speakman i think he has something, i dont know 2nd choice is mills

You know...Blindside has a point.

At this time, I'd have to say Mr. Speakman has made the most drastic impact with the 5.0 material.

No doubt many of the seniors are amazing, but Mr. Speakman has done more to "advance" the system in regards to keeping it up-to-date and moving forward from the way it was in 1990. IMHO

SGM Parker is responsible for several incarnations of "Kenpo". He and the art he taught never stayed static (and that's backed up by things the seniors have said.) So...it doesn't make sense to me that it should just "stop" at that point in time where we lost him.

In fact, I think if one were to be true to "Parker Kenpo" then it would require one to constantly study what they were doing and seek ways to become more effiecient and effective in the environment of the day; to continue to evolve.

That's my thought for the moment...
I don't study Kenpo, but have some friends, and professional contacts who do. I do study what are often considered "family" or "sister" arts of American Kenpo; Kaju and JKD.

As an American Kenpo "outsider" I would say Mr. Paul Mills. His approach and thought proccess regarding how to move his art forward is pretty genious, in my opionion. Having compared his videos to the videos of other seniors, I feel he is in a league of his own. That "guess" has been proven true, when comparing his motion and skills to that of others as I have seen them at various seminars (no, I have not attended seminars from all the seniors). The most compelling indicator to me, though, is how good most of Mill's students are, relative to the other BB Kenpo guys I have worked with.

Of course, I am not a Kenpo guy, but from the little I have seen and experienced, he is the one I have often though "gee, I would like to train with that guy somethine..."

I have a feeling that the real impact will come from a relative newcomer. At least a "newcomer" as far as current notariety is concerned.

I think many of the current seniors are so involved in their own group, or program, that they will fail to impact EPAK as a whole. They are already leaders of their own organizations, but cannot seem to set aside differences and politics and work with each other on a wide scale.

I think major impact will only come when there is one who can bring most, if not all, of the others together. So far the current rank and file has fallen short of the mark. In many cases by personal choice...

It will be a tall order to make any significant impact in EPAK, or any Kenpo for that matter... I think many feel that the task may be bigger then the end result will be worth.

Just mt 1.5 cents. :)

Thank you,
Milt G.

I have a feeling that the real impact will come from a relative newcomer. At least a "newcomer" as far as current notariety is concerned.

I think many of the current seniors are so involved in their own group, or program, that they will fail to impact EPAK as a whole. They are already leaders of their own organizations, but cannot seem to set aside differences and politics and work with each other on a wide scale.

I think major impact will only come when there is one who can bring most, if not all, of the others together. So far the current rank and file has fallen short of the mark. In many cases by personal choice...

It will be a tall order to make any significant impact in EPAK, or any Kenpo for that matter... I think many feel that the task may be bigger then the end result will be worth.

Just mt 1.5 cents. :)

Thank you,
Milt G.

The only impact on Kenpo anyone should be striving for, is their own, and their students if they teach. If I and my students are more than competent, than I've done what I'm supposed to do, and hope they will do the same. that's how you have a positive impact. There's all kinds a way many are having an impact, and most of it is already negative.
The great thing about this thread is that it started 1/2004, so we are already past the half-decade mark, and has anyone gotten any closer to the answer?
I think so...
but the REAL answer is whoever has made the BIGGEST impact on You and Yours! ...So, the way I see it.... the "Correct Answer" depends on whom is asking. (they are legion)

Your Brother
I think so...
but the REAL answer is whoever has made the BIGGEST impact on You and Yours! ...So, the way I see it.... the "Correct Answer" depends on whom is asking. (they are legion)

Your Brother


I agree... My teachers had the biggest "impact" on me...

Be it with their hands, feet, elbows or knees... The list goes on and on... :) :) :)

Milt G.
i think jeff speakman, he is really starting to push now and so far i like what he is doing, i'm 33 so i grew up watching him, back then it was jeff, steven, or jean, jeff seemed to be the best, and the perfect weapon is a great movie.
Paul Mills and Skip Hancock. Their method of teaching and getting spontaneous results instantly is amazing.
These guys are true innovators. Guys out west have been doing BJJ incorporated intelligently into AKKI/Kenp2000 for years now.

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