There are just sooooo many different ideas out there. One teaches it this way, the other teaches it that way. It can be very disconcerting. For instance, does'nt Mr.Sasaki teach more a Tracy version of the system? As for the Planas, Tatum comparisons,at least as far as the forms go. They are very different. A student picked up Mr.Tatum's tapes to speed up his training inL4. While his instructor trained under Mr.Planas. When it came time to show his instructor what he had learned. He was very disappointed. The two approaches to the same form turned out to be VERY different. So much so that the student felt like he had to start from the begining, and re-learn the form. Students have to be very careful when thinking about buying these tapes to further(see;speed up)their training. The best bet would probably be to run it past their instructor first. Insuring that the kenpo taught on the video will complement what they're learning, and not hinder them.
By His Grace,