Who will impact EPAK the most in the next 10 years?

Who will impact EPAK the most in the next 10 years

  • Tom Kelly

  • Steve LaBounty

  • Paul Mills

  • Mike Pick

  • Huk Planas

  • John Sepulveda

  • Chuck Sullivan

  • Larry Tatum

  • Frank Trejo

  • Somebody else -- please name in your reply

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Brother John said:
That's one of the things I like about doing my Kenpo (Motion Kenpo, my Kenpo.... Sam Ting I guess)... it's as adaptive to me as I am to it. I was just saying to Seig that I liked what he said; that our art serves the individual instead of the individual serving the art.

I understand the differences between Motion and SL-4 as you present them, but I sure do appreciate and enjoy the Kenpo that I do have... no matter the name or descriptor.

Have a Great one!!

Your Brother
... and that's the way it was designed, so it works. Of course some do a better job than others, but that's life. No art has everyone equal in the same art. :)
I have to go with the look in the mirror vote. If the Kenpo is good and wise then the inspiration will take care of itself. The rest is marketing. One thing we should have learned from Ed Parker is that our mortality deals the final blow. Care about those you teach and teach them to care. If we do that we all succeed. Kenpo will evolve with the times it's designed to. personally I like the Larry Tatum students I've talked too and the why is what I've stated above. They seem to give a rip about the student. Remember this is an opinion pole before you rip me for accusing someone of NOT giving a rip....grin. Personally I don't think it really matters to many of us who the top dog is as long we keep showing up. Kenpo is that good.

Many people might disagree with me but I think it will not be a big name that will influence Kenpo the most. The reason being is if you dont study Kenpo, you most likely dont even know who those people are. Instuctors, and I mean local schools in general, not big time, big name, although they have their part too, will have the most influence. Why, you ask? Because these are the people that will bring students in and keep the art alive. The methods of teaching are evolving with each new black belt instructor. Will people be more or less interested in Kenpo in the next 10 years. Will we be able to keep it alive? Will the new BJJ "Revolution" smother Kenpo? Only the new instructors at the new schools will be able to make the difference.
Jeff Speakman.

I find his brand of Kenpo and his brand of business to be VERY impressive.
Well, I'm kind of stuck on this one...

Partly due to my need to be better informed on the subject in general I suppose...

However, my top 3 (in alphabetical order) are Mr. Mills, Mr. Speakman, and Mr. Tatum...

All three are phenomenal Kenpoists (IMHO)... and I believe each one brings something different to the table...

So, I plan to meet and train with them all (and many more)...

Your Brother in the arts,

Those that freely share what they know through the internet will impact Kenpo the most. Most of the other big names in the poll, I know of them, but I haven't seen much of what they've taught... probably because i haven't shelled out the money for their seminars and videos (though it wouldn't hurt if i did).

But consider the thousands upon thousands of hits by those who teach and show demos through the internet freely ... that's where the power and influence lies in this century. People like Joshua Ryer are impacting the masses-- perhaps even more numbers of people right now than all the poll's big names combined. He's teaching both kenpo practitioners and promoting kenpo to those who happen to stumble upon his youtube videos. moreover, he's building his own platform and reputation for himself through his "on the mat" program. Keep an eye on Josh.

As I get closer to my black belt test, I'm going to post my own techniques on youtube to get feedback and promote kenpo to those who don't practice it.
when someone comes up with something new, doesn't flak follow...

isn't there a saying that says when a guy get's ahead of the line of soldiers, he'll run the risk of getting shot by his own men.
The question was who would impact EPAK, not American Kenpo/Kenpo/Kempo/etc. That is difference between Mr. Mills system and Mr. Parkers.
To impact the Parker system, the organization needs to teach the Parker system not a deviation thereof.

Not really. Impact, positive or negative, is impact. One colud conceviably argue that the Gracies have had the largest impact (see various threads or Kenpo 5.0).

Brian Jones
Let's be honest. As the senior's get older and take a less active role in the Kenpo world more and more self made "masters" will continue to pop up with their organizations. The next 10 years will be like the past 10, just more and more ridiculous. The money and the marketing genie is out of the bottle ladies and gentleman, and there is no putting it back. The "legits" will continue to exist, but they will be fringe.

Then again, i'm not very chipper this A.M. and could be wrong. (hopefully so!)
Let's be honest. As the senior's get older and take a less active role in the Kenpo world more and more self made "masters" will continue to pop up with their organizations. The next 10 years will be like the past 10, just more and more ridiculous. The money and the marketing genie is out of the bottle ladies and gentleman, and there is no putting it back. The "legits" will continue to exist, but they will be fringe.

Then again, i'm not very chipper this A.M. and could be wrong. (hopefully so!)

It's also possible that the "legits" may not be fringe, but may not be the most famous or the most noticed. Seems no matter what the art there is a lot more attention paid to the ridiculous and the controversial than there is to the quiet and humble.
Hey! I didn't make fun of you! :p

Seriously, that's very true. It's also part of the problem. It's been about who's the loudest, flashiest, etc.. and seems to be getting worse. Hopefully, the ridiculousness of it all will (and has to some extent already) cause them to flutter out and those who are legit to flourish.
Let's be honest. As the senior's get older and take a less active role in the Kenpo world more and more self made "masters" will continue to pop up with their organizations. The next 10 years will be like the past 10, just more and more ridiculous. The money and the marketing genie is out of the bottle ladies and gentleman, and there is no putting it back. The "legits" will continue to exist, but they will be fringe.

Then again, i'm not very chipper this A.M. and could be wrong. (hopefully so!)

Unfortunately, I think you're correct.

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