Who is the most Impressive martial artis that you have personaly seen

good deal, i live landside p.c.h. at nicholas cyn westlake is close.
like to stop by next week, i'll give you a call.
jeff allen


I don't teach in Malibu, but you are welcome to visit my place in Westlake Village - about 20 miles from Malibu, up Kanan Road.

I drop down to Malibu several times a week (in good weather) to go diving between Malibu and County Line. Lobster season was good to me this year with a over 40 lobster in the bag.

Although I don't teach Mr. Pick's style of Kenpo, he and I have been friends for many years and I recently taught with him at Sean Kelleys Florida Kenpo Camp.

You can check out my web site at www.PacificKenpo.com
Jeff Speakman was my hero for a bunch of years in my 20s, just because he was so awesome in The Perfect Weapon. So fast! Have any of you seen him in person? Is he actually good or just on film? I think he's pretty overweight now, which is a shame - he was in awesome shape years ago (then again, that's the same for many of us). But I'd be really curious to hear anyone's estimation of his true ability.

I've been lucky to see a number of skilled/well-known martial artists in person, and it's weird - you can't always tell what the hype is about. Bill Wallace is great, and he looks great. But Pat Johnson just looks like a regular guy when he does martial arts. Nothing exciting. Same with Howard Jackson, and I know he was a superstar boxer and kickboxer. I guess there's a difference between flash and efficiency: Mr. Norris looks all sloppy-jalopy when he fights, even in the old videos, but he's lightning fast and hits as hard as hell. Makes you wonder how someone flashy like JCVD or Jackie Chan would fare in a real fight? Yeah, yeah, I know - they've both had real fights. But you know what I mean. Pretty doesn't always = good and good doesn't always = pretty, which is weird.

Top Seniors in My Book:

Bob White

Pat Salantri

Rich Hale

Ed Downey

Others who aren't "seniors":

Clyde O'Briant

Dr. Dave Crouch

Clark Cole

James Hawkins III
In no special order

John Stover ( my first instructor and the one I was with the longest)
Joe Lewis
Dr. Ron Chapél
AC Rainey
Bill Chun, Jr.
Larry Isaac
Dr. Dave Crouch
Cliff Stewart
Ryan Angell
Have to go with for the people I have actually had the honour to train with:

- Stephane Bosc - Kick boxer from when I was living in France, phenomenal skill and mixed his semi-pro boxing credentials with his pro-kick boxing and his very high level of TKD together to make him a formidable fighter but also a down to earth, no ego very personable guy and a great teacher considering I was his only English student.

- Bill Superfoot Wallace - Only had the privilege to train with him once at a seminar in Leeds, but by far one of the best days training I have had, really nice guy, easy to approach with a fun and exciting way of teaching.

- Fred Adams - When I met him he was 67, I was 21. I had no idea what Hapkido was and he called me out front as I was the only kick boxer in the class claiming he had never fought a kick boxer before. As a cocky 21 year old I thought I would take it easy on the 'old man' but remember throwing a single punch then ending up on my *** in a painful situation, he proceeded to repeat this twice more with ease. It was a truly humbling experience and he earned my respect from that point on and I regard him now as a good friend and one of the best martial artists I have had the honour to know and train with.

With the celebrity style martial artists, my favourite has to be Tony Jaa, that guy is just incredible.
Technically, I would say frank Trejo and Larry Tatum have it. In terms of longevity, Chuck Sullivan and Dave Hebler. The best all rounder has to be Frank Trejo though. When it comes to techniques, forms and sparring, Mr. Trejo's got it all!
I recently asked the question "Of All the 1st generation students out there who moves the most similar to Mr Parker?"

An even better question is. Who is the most impressive martial artist that you have ever seen.

For those of you out there who have meet Al McLuckie in my opinion he is the most amazing martial artist that I habe personaly see.

By the way; It does not have to be a Kenpoist.
I would say Mr. Planas, because he just so thoroughly knows and demonstrates the material at hand. A close second for me would be my Instructor, Mr. Joe Doyle 7th dan, out of Mentor, Ohio. Knows his stuff, and can demonstrate it very, very proficiently.
I've been around for a few years and seen and met many of the martial arts great in the USA. I was fortunate enough to be introduced to many of the founders of "karate" in this country and to meet many of the first Professional fighters.
But the most impressive martial artiest I have met was a 10 years old boy who was born with a hart problem , deaf, and almost blind. Although this young man had had multiple surgeries on his hard, a Collier (sp) implant in both ears and wears hearing aids he strives each day to practice his art and improve himself. No he will never be one of the best in the world but he is learning to not give up and to push himself to attain what he wants.
Jeff Speakman was my hero for a bunch of years in my 20s, just because he was so awesome in The Perfect Weapon. So fast! Have any of you seen him in person? Is he actually good or just on film? I think he's pretty overweight now, which is a shame - he was in awesome shape years ago (then again, that's the same for many of us). But I'd be really curious to hear anyone's estimation of his true ability.

I've been lucky to see a number of skilled/well-known martial artists in person, and it's weird - you can't always tell what the hype is about. Bill Wallace is great, and he looks great. But Pat Johnson just looks like a regular guy when he does martial arts. Nothing exciting. Same with Howard Jackson, and I know he was a superstar boxer and kickboxer. I guess there's a difference between flash and efficiency: Mr. Norris looks all sloppy-jalopy when he fights, even in the old videos, but he's lightning fast and hits as hard as hell. Makes you wonder how someone flashy like JCVD or Jackie Chan would fare in a real fight? Yeah, yeah, I know - they've both had real fights. But you know what I mean. Pretty doesn't always = good and good doesn't always = pretty, which is weird.


Mr. Speakman is my instructor. He is an amazing man and martial artist both on and off the mat. A true gentleman and warrior. I would not consider him to be "overweight" as you stated. He is an avid weight lifter and has actually bulked up with added muscle over the 5 years that I have known him. He is in amazing shape for a man of any age, much less being almost 57 years old.
My instructor... I dont meet a lot of martial artists in person.

I did meet one of his instructors, her yue wong (even got two books signed) though i only met him once at a seminar in oklahoma. Not sure if that really counts

That and will higanbotham (im probably spelling his name wrong) i only met him at a couple small circle jujitsu seminars (probably spelled that wrong too)