It really isn't a good idea to put sound on web pages, for a start, code like this:
<bgsound src="" loop="infinite">
...that runs on that particular page is browser specific, about as browser specific as you can get really since it only works in Internet Explorer.
Making pages which work in some browers and not others is a bad idea and is likely to annoy people who aren't slaves to bloated, buggy, annoying Microsoft browsers (and oporating systems for that matter).
Also, if it does work and people don't want it on there, there's often no easy way to stop it without closing the windows or looking in random context menus, so for people in offices/libraries/other quiet places it's an embarrasment.
Add to that the piss poor quality of the midi files anyway, and there's really no point, it's one of the biggest no-nos in site design.
I suggest any of you currently using Internet Explorer visit and download a browser that is not only free but also works properly, there's versions for Windows, or for the sensible ones of us, Mac and UNIX