More prominent Quotes


Senior Master
Lee Wedlake 9th degree student of Ed Parker

Modern Kenpo students also have access to what Parker called “sublevel
(nerve striking) and destructive sequencing. The foremost exponent of this aspect of the art is Ron Chapel, a longtime Parker student. This fact leads one to an important observation: The internal aspects of Kenpo need to be explored further.
Kenpo is not taught as a complete system, regardless of what its practitioners say.

Although Kenpo is complete in the physical sense of teaching methods of motion, it lacks a standard curriculum Â…Â….

ParkerÂ’s system allows one to observe, identify and copy motion easily.

In the year or two immediately following Parker’s death, it was said that no successor was named and that he wanted everyone to work together. He had taught different aspects of his art to different people over time and had no single protégé.

These quotes are from Black Belt Magazine August 2001

Mr. Wedlake had shared with me in 1996 that he had conversations with Ed Parker where Parker mentioned certain aspects of what I was taught, but also cautioned him to, "Keep that to yourself."
At would point in training would you begin to teach sub lev 4 aspects to a student? Should they be a BB at that point having gone through the traditional curriculum first? Good to see you back, I put a forms philosophy thread up earlier I would really love to have your input on it!!! Thank you for your time.

Brian Hunter
Originally posted by brianhunter

At would point in training would you begin to teach sub lev 4 aspects to a student? Should they be a BB at that point having gone through the traditional curriculum first? Good to see you back, I put a forms philosophy thread up earlier I would really love to have your input on it!!! Thank you for your time.

Brian Hunter

Sir, SubLevel Four Kenpo is a process that begins the first day of instruction. The instruction concentrates on proper body mechanics and application of technique and forms curriculum immediately. Nothing is abstract and everything must be approached from the perspective of absolute workable street applications. This methodology produces sound foundations that do not fade over time and produce internal energy.

It has been observed to be similar to the old world Chinese Science with all of the cultural and non-practical removed for expedient results and the teaching of applications immediately instead of after standing in a horse 20 years. Diligent study produces a pace of progression on par with most commercial/motion Kenpo schools. Initially the most difficult is as a beginner absorbing the body mechanics foundation, which can appear a bit slow but students typically promote the first semester on schedule. (12 weeks / 72 hours). By the time they pass Course 103 (purple) the are quite proficient in all course material through their level. moving with speed and power and exhibiting signs of growing internal energy.

It is a labor intensive method of teaching requiring competent and supervised instruction that does not allow incorrect movement. Teachers are oblidged to correct everything and insure everything works. Students are not allowed independent study until a reasonable level of skill is attained and only of approved material. The students love it and typically are amazed at what works and their ability to impliment it as well as the amount of knowledge disseminated. Coursebooks and note taking is required in lecture, and physical lab training is vigorous. No children or persons with limited commitment accepted. It is not for everyone and most who would seek a commercial school would not like the training.
OK Mr. Chapel...
interesting quotes, no doubt.
But why bring them up??

I like the fact that you are always saying that you don't 'sell' your art and that you don't need to be validated by others...
yet these last two posts do read like salesmanspeak.

just wondering...
Your Brother
it is about information not "sales." It is a reminder there are other methodologies of Mr. Parker's knowledge and ways to teach not based on his commercially created "motion method" in the seventies. There is other Kenpo that predates "motion" that also has continued to evolve.

I consistently have people who wish to bring their schools into my "organization" or who wish to study long distance. I remind them we are an educational institution and not a "karate association." We do not offer rank or promotions to anyone not in the student body. Information is offered on an "educational basis only." I will not recommend anyone for promotion who does not study with me directly and in person.

Many opportunities present themselves but the integrity of the information is more important than numbers. It is not about "empire building," it is about the information, as I promised my best friend.

I will continue to remind people what they find in kenpo books and manuals is not the sum of Ed Parker's knowledge. Only the surface has been scratched, and it's a small scratch. Some may listen, many may not. It doesn't matter as long as I keep my promise and reach those who want more. Those who are happy with what they're doing and level of knowledge should ignore the ravings of and old "Mad Kenpo Scientist.™
I see Mr.Wedlake's name at the top coupled with a 9th degree. Did he get a promotion within the last couple of months? I was just curious (nothing more than that) I had not heard this as of yet.
Jason Farnsworth
Here's an SGM Parker quote for you:

"During climax, total enlightenment occurs and solutions to problems flow without restraint."(IIiv)

Hoho ;)

Originally posted by Brother John

OK Mr. Chapel...
interesting quotes, no doubt.
But why bring them up??

I like the fact that you are always saying that you don't 'sell' your art and that you don't need to be validated by others...
yet these last two posts do read like salesmanspeak.

just wondering...
Your Brother

Why Bring it up? I thought this was forum. Why are you here? Why ask why?
Originally posted by Brother John

OK Mr. Chapel...
interesting quotes, no doubt.
But why bring them up??

I like the fact that you are always saying that you don't 'sell' your art and that you don't need to be validated by others...
yet these last two posts do read like salesmanspeak.

just wondering...
Your Brother

well, that's an interesting comment as well- you say they are interesting quotes-- and this is a forum where i'd imagine things of interest relating to kenpo might actually be appropriate- but perhaps you could tells us WHY in your view that you find them so interesting?

you also say these quotes some how VALIDATE Doc's "Art"-- perhaps you could elaborate on this as well?

you then equate the quotes as salesmanspeak for Doc-- could you also elaborate on how these quotes promote or sell "Doc"? And explain exactly what you think is being sold?

just curious.


Originally posted by Goldendragon7


He was ""never"" 9th under ED Parker. A 6th is more like it, and then it was under Huk.


and their for what?

i think 6th is high enough!
My observations are what they are, MY observations.
Nothing more.
I don't think I need to go into depth on qualifying them, they are kinda self explanitory.
If you want to discuss it further or really get my point of view, Please feel free to send me a private message or e-mail. Love to talk to you about anything.

To be honest, I wish now that I would have sent my observations to Mr. Chapel privately. I've stirred the cauldren over my disagreements with him before.... and I don't want to continue it. It proved useless before and will continue to. In the end Mr. Chapel is a fine person who is very knowlegable and 'into' what his instructor taught 'him'. My hats off to him for at least sticking to his guns... wether or not I agree. As I've said before, whether or not I agree with him won't change either his day, nor mine. So why cause headaches??:D

Your Brother

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