Senior Master
The name George Soros has been floating around ever since he pledged his entire fortune to bring down the Bush administration. Since then, however, I don't think the American media has done a thorough job exploring who this man is and what he wants.
It's clear that Soros made his billions by speculating on currency. In other words, he makes money when markets crash.
But who is this guy and what does he want? We know he's used his billions and influence all around the world to influence governments. He's been responsible for toppling governments and replacing them with others.
He's also preached against global capitalism (despite the fact that this is the very means he used to generate his wealth). He's become a darling money man of leftist causes.
Yet, i'm hard pressed to understand why more red flags aren't sent up by the fact that an unelected world playboy is basically globe-trotting and attempting to influence governments toward his own ends. I find it ironic that the very people who complain that international corperations have undue influence, themselves follow this pied-piper without question.
"Although I have made a fortune in the financial markets, I now fear that the untrammeled intensification of laissez-faire capitalism and the spread of market values into all areas of life is endangering our open and democratic society. The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat."
"I contend that an open society may also be threatened from the opposite direction--from excessive individualism. Too much competition and too little cooperation can cause intolerable inequities and instability."
George Soros
At the very least, George Soros is in a unique and priveleged class. When millions get convicted with insider trading, they get sent to prison. When men of Soros' class get convicted of insider trading, as Soros did in France in 2002, he got a ludicrous $2.3 Million fine (That's probably his cocktail party budget for a month).
Is Soros' Popperian philosophy and Open Society an end, or a means to an end to gain Populist support for...well, I really don't know. It is believed that Soros ultimate goal is the creation of some sort of soverign international government. Soros has an interest, which he seems to express by attempting to influence soverign governments, in reducing individual soverignty for the express purpose of encouraging a global political entity.
His words certainly seem designed to win the populist support. Sweet words he using, soothing. I'm impressed by what he says. I'm also very suspicious about what he does.
Maybe i'm misreading George Soros. Maybe he is the prophetic messiah that he seems to think he is. I could be wrong. Is anyone else concerned that this man seems to answer to no one?
It's clear that Soros made his billions by speculating on currency. In other words, he makes money when markets crash.
But who is this guy and what does he want? We know he's used his billions and influence all around the world to influence governments. He's been responsible for toppling governments and replacing them with others.
He's also preached against global capitalism (despite the fact that this is the very means he used to generate his wealth). He's become a darling money man of leftist causes.
Yet, i'm hard pressed to understand why more red flags aren't sent up by the fact that an unelected world playboy is basically globe-trotting and attempting to influence governments toward his own ends. I find it ironic that the very people who complain that international corperations have undue influence, themselves follow this pied-piper without question.
"Although I have made a fortune in the financial markets, I now fear that the untrammeled intensification of laissez-faire capitalism and the spread of market values into all areas of life is endangering our open and democratic society. The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat."
"I contend that an open society may also be threatened from the opposite direction--from excessive individualism. Too much competition and too little cooperation can cause intolerable inequities and instability."
George Soros
At the very least, George Soros is in a unique and priveleged class. When millions get convicted with insider trading, they get sent to prison. When men of Soros' class get convicted of insider trading, as Soros did in France in 2002, he got a ludicrous $2.3 Million fine (That's probably his cocktail party budget for a month).
Is Soros' Popperian philosophy and Open Society an end, or a means to an end to gain Populist support for...well, I really don't know. It is believed that Soros ultimate goal is the creation of some sort of soverign international government. Soros has an interest, which he seems to express by attempting to influence soverign governments, in reducing individual soverignty for the express purpose of encouraging a global political entity.
His words certainly seem designed to win the populist support. Sweet words he using, soothing. I'm impressed by what he says. I'm also very suspicious about what he does.
Maybe i'm misreading George Soros. Maybe he is the prophetic messiah that he seems to think he is. I could be wrong. Is anyone else concerned that this man seems to answer to no one?