I have to say I don't know if there are dues involved to become an actual member or if most people just show up to the rallys.
One can register to vote with or without party affiliation-with party affiliation, depending upon the state, permits you to vote in the party's primaries(in some states it's not necessary to be a registered pary voter to vote in primaries).
For the Republican party, there are dues at the local party membership level, and you can give a donation to the national committee, as I do.
THey can't do anything about how you vote or are registered, but, yeah, it's a sort of club, and people can be asked not to come back.....
Reverend Wright, Married the Obama's and baptized their children.
Yeah-apropos of the "is he black?" thread, you should really read Obama's books. He's felt the same way about "white" people that a lot of other "black" people do. Not saying he's racist, but he's had......thoughts...
Obama and Ayers sat on several boards together and Ayers held Obamas political coming out fund raiser in his home.
I sat on the board of the Santa Fe Opera with several people, none of whom I'm friends with, all of whom I had a drink or two with and socialized with, some of them in their homes. For all I know, one or two of them butcher and barbecue little children when they've a mind to....I know my admitting to eating dog was a bit much for one or two of
them. :lol:
So you tell me, who is more closely tied to a racist and a terrorsit. The tea parties who reject the racists trying to jump on their movement or Obama who has had deep personal relationships with a known race hater and an anti-american terrorist bomber?
Well,that's easy: the tea party. :lol: Obama is
President, and if he ever
had any ties like that, they've been erased by the same people who took care of G.W. Bush's drunk driving, cocaine arrest, extramarital affairs, and spotty Air National Guard attendance. (please note the lack of "smiley," I'm completely serious.) Obama officially met Bill Ayers "once or twice," and wouldn't know him to bump into him, and practically threw Rev. Wright under the bus at the first opportunity...
Meanwhile, if any of the many Stormfront members -who are usually members of some other "white" nationalist/supremacist/separtist group-rises to prominence in the "tea parties," (which I don't capitalize and often put in quotes because they really aren't a
party yet at all, just a loose conglomeration of people with an equally loose set of similar but divergent interests and issues ) they'll be found out, exposed, and not just the "tea parties" will be sullied, but some of those very same interests and issues-some of which I can wholly support.
In fact, I'd say that there are some interests that are
counting on it.