Who are the tea party patriots, Hugh Hewitt speaks to them

You should also realize there were many anti-tae part websites that told people who were against the tea party to make the most racist signs they could and go to the events and try to get on the TV with the signs.

Actually this is probably true. I know someone who participated in an event to discredit the tea party doing something like this. Only his sign wasn't racist, it said something like "proud to be a teabagger" or "I proudly Teabag" or somesuch nonsense.
Actually this is probably true. I know someone who participated in an event to discredit the tea party doing something like this. Only his sign wasn't racist, it said something like "proud to be a teabagger" or "I proudly Teabag" or somesuch nonsense.

One of the main sites was like crash the party.com or something like that its shut down now. I went on the forums they had and pretty much every tea party event was listed and it had sign ups for who could attend and what things to put on the signs.
You're right-the tea party has no control over Stormfront.

Stormfront tells me that there are organized, radical racist white supremacists in the tea parties, looking to take it over, or use it for recruiting, or both.
So what who cares what stormfront tells you they are wrong. You mentioned Bill Ayers so by your logic even tho Obama denounced Ayers actions Ayers says they are friends so then Obama is a terrorists.

Others will insist that there are no racists in the tea party, or that when someone is "speaking to the tea party" he's not speaking to those same racists.
The tea party is not Racists it message has nothing to do with race. Are there individual members who are racists of course same can be said about your local Fire Department but that does not mean the fire Department is Racist.

Oh, and it's okay for so-called "conservatives" to say that because Obama had the support of Ayers, and Rev. Wright, he must think like they do.Just sayin.'
Difference between the two is Obama sat in rev Wrights church for 20 years and never spoke up against it until he was called out on it. Tea Party has from day one denounced Racism claims.
So what who cares what stormfront tells you they are wrong. You mentioned Bill Ayers so by your logic even tho Obama denounced Ayers actions Ayers says they are friends so then Obama is a terrorists.

tea party is not Racists it message has nothing to do with race. Are there individual members who are racists of course same can be said about your local Fire Department but that does not mean the fire Department is Racist.

No, and no where have I said that the 'tea parties" are racist. I should point out that having an organized racist faction within your ranks is vastly different than "individual members who are racist."
No, and no where have I said that the 'tea parties" are racist. I should point out that having an organized racist faction within your ranks is vastly different than "individual members who are racist."

You didnt come out and say it because you know your wrong but you imply it by making your first post trying to link Stormfront and the TeaParty. Which is just dishonest.
Stormfont is not a faction in the tea party. To be a faction in the Tea Party the Tea Party would have to publicly support them.
Well since Robert Byrd was in the KKK and he was a Democrat then the Democratic party is the party of the KKK

You know, back in the 40's, it was-of course, Robert Byrd quit and disavowed the KKK, and, as best as he could anyway, his racist past-and people still try to paint the democratic party just that way.

You think the tea party would learn from Byrd and the democrats, and be rooting out the pestilence that is white supremacism in their ranks, rather than just paying lift service with weak denials and questioning whether they actually should even try. :rolleyes:
You think the tea party would learn from Byrd and the democrats, and be rooting out the pestilence that is white supremacism in their ranks, rather than just paying lift service with weak denials and questioning whether they actually should even try. :rolleyes:

Well to be fair It took the democrats like 100 years... the tea party is a Zygote by comparison.
You know, back in the 40's, it was-of course, Robert Byrd quit and disavowed the KKK, and, as best as he could anyway, his racist past-and people still try to paint the democratic party just that way.

You think the tea party would learn from Byrd and the democrats, and be rooting out the pestilence that is white supremacism in their ranks, rather than just paying lift service with weak denials and questioning whether they actually should even try. :rolleyes:

The leader of TeaParty 365 the largest Tea Party group in the country has 100% condemned any and all racism. He has been on every major television network debated, members of the NAACP and in my opinion made them look silly. So im not sure what more you want them to do.

By the way in 2009 Robert Byrd received the KKK lifetime Achievement award.
Also Elder I think you forgot to mention that Mark Williams the guy in the clip you posted was kicked out of the Tea Party Federation. Hes also a shock jock radio host that say things just to get ratings kinda like a howard Stern
. So im not sure what more you want them to do.

I want them to assign a team of people to cherry pick the Stormfront's website, figure out who those people are, and kicke them out. That's the only thing that would satisfy annyone. Barring that, I'd like to see them stop denying racist affiliations, because it will bite them in the ***, I promise. SPLC and members of the press are[/n] figuring out who those people are, and betting that at least one of them will achieve a leadership role, if not a national leadership role-then they'll "out" them.

. By the way in 2009 Robert Byrd received the KKK lifetime Achievement award.

Wasn't funny then, isn't funny now....(you do know that was satire, and not the truth at all???)

I had a similar discussion the other day, but i have questions if i may?
Anyone can join the Democratic/Republican/Tea parties, correct? There is no oath to say you have never been charged or convicted of a criminal offence? Nothing says you canÂ’t be a member if you are or ever have been involved in X, Y or Z? You pays your money, you get you dance, right?
Groups like Stormfront for example, (which I had never heard of, and went over to have a look see....Wow....), and other groups that promote racial.....exclusion shall we say, are these groups illegal? Are they considered terrorist organisations? Certainly distasteful, but are they illegal?
If nothing is in the rules/party constitutions about limited who can join a political party, how can you deny membership to someone? Anyone for any reason?
If it is found out that a member is in fact part of a distasteful group, how do you kick them out without have a possible legal **** storm come down on you?
I have to say I don't know if there are dues involved to become an actual member or if most people just show up to the rallys.

Reverend Wright, Married the Obama's and baptized their children. Obama and Ayers sat on several boards together and Ayers held Obamas political coming out fund raiser in his home. So you tell me, who is more closely tied to a racist and a terrorsit. The tea parties who reject the racists trying to jump on their movement or Obama who has had deep personal relationships with a known race hater and an anti-american terrorist bomber?
The democrats haven't rooted out racism in their party, just check out the attack on Ken Gladney on youtube, and on the african american guy at the wisconsin capital. They need to let the union thugs know that they aren't supposed to attack people based on race, just differences in policy. Then move on to the embrace of the racists in the new black panther party, and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and you can see that all sorts of racism is tolerated in the democrat party. They just do it a little more equally now. One racist hand doesn't know what the other racist hand is doing.
It wasn't just robert byrd who was the racist. Al Gore's dad was a segregationist, and Bill Clinton's political mentor, who he speaks of fondly, Jay william fulbright, I think that was his name, was also a racist.
I want them to assign a team of people to cherry pick the Stormfront's website, figure out who those people are, and kicke them out. That's the only thing that would satisfy annyone. Barring that, I'd like to see them stop denying racist affiliations, because it will bite them in the ***, I promise. SPLC and members of the press are[/n] figuring out who those people are, and betting that at least one of them will achieve a leadership role, if not a national leadership role-then they'll "out" them.

Wasn't funny then, isn't funny now....(you do know that was satire, and not the truth at all???)

How do you kick people out of an political idea? There is no membership card to the tea party. In fact its not even a national origination its 1000's of small groups of people from everywhere. However I go to tea Party events so I hereby denounce all stormfront members there you go problem solved.
Reverend Wright, Married the Obama's and baptized their children. Obama and Ayers sat on several boards together and Ayers held Obamas political coming out fund raiser in his home. So you tell me, who is more closely tied to a racist and a terrorsit. The tea parties who reject the racists trying to jump on their movement or Obama who has had deep personal relationships with a known race hater and an anti-american terrorist bomber?

this is a fair point
I have to say I don't know if there are dues involved to become an actual member or if most people just show up to the rallys.

One can register to vote with or without party affiliation-with party affiliation, depending upon the state, permits you to vote in the party's primaries(in some states it's not necessary to be a registered pary voter to vote in primaries).

For the Republican party, there are dues at the local party membership level, and you can give a donation to the national committee, as I do.

THey can't do anything about how you vote or are registered, but, yeah, it's a sort of club, and people can be asked not to come back.....

Reverend Wright, Married the Obama's and baptized their children.

Yeah-apropos of the "is he black?" thread, you should really read Obama's books. He's felt the same way about "white" people that a lot of other "black" people do. Not saying he's racist, but he's had......thoughts...

Obama and Ayers sat on several boards together and Ayers held Obamas political coming out fund raiser in his home.

I sat on the board of the Santa Fe Opera with several people, none of whom I'm friends with, all of whom I had a drink or two with and socialized with, some of them in their homes. For all I know, one or two of them butcher and barbecue little children when they've a mind to....I know my admitting to eating dog was a bit much for one or two of them. :lol:

So you tell me, who is more closely tied to a racist and a terrorsit. The tea parties who reject the racists trying to jump on their movement or Obama who has had deep personal relationships with a known race hater and an anti-american terrorist bomber?

Well,that's easy: the tea party. :lol: Obama is President, and if he ever had any ties like that, they've been erased by the same people who took care of G.W. Bush's drunk driving, cocaine arrest, extramarital affairs, and spotty Air National Guard attendance. (please note the lack of "smiley," I'm completely serious.) Obama officially met Bill Ayers "once or twice," and wouldn't know him to bump into him, and practically threw Rev. Wright under the bus at the first opportunity...

Meanwhile, if any of the many Stormfront members -who are usually members of some other "white" nationalist/supremacist/separtist group-rises to prominence in the "tea parties," (which I don't capitalize and often put in quotes because they really aren't a party yet at all, just a loose conglomeration of people with an equally loose set of similar but divergent interests and issues ) they'll be found out, exposed, and not just the "tea parties" will be sullied, but some of those very same interests and issues-some of which I can wholly support.

In fact, I'd say that there are some interests that are counting on it.

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