Who are the tea party patriots, Hugh Hewitt speaks to them

And we have successfully derailed the train just moments after it left the station:

How much more patriotic the stormfront is than the communists that were executed sixty years ago during the height of the cold war....

So let me see... the Tea Party speaks to the KKK off shoot...patriotic...

Got it....
hold up Jeff

so stormfront supporting the tea party is bad


then the american communist party support the dems is also bad?

and the american socialist part backing obamacare?

following your logic here would seem to get everyone bloody

how about we agree that you cant control who likes you, but you can control who you like.

so as long as the tea party doesnt support stormfront, it isnt a big deal

If I wouldn't know any better I would be guessing you are dangling a carrot in front of billi, just to see how quickly he gets onto the derailed train....
Giving nuke info to the soviets, kind of big.

This is ironic, and I'll only point out that espionage happens, and point out the case of Theodore Hall as the best example-not to mention the numerous other admitted spies who weren't executed, and stand by what I said:

el Brujo de la Cueva said:
the American Communist Party has proven to be fairly harmless

Had an awful lot of those Soviet nukes dropped in our laps from 1948 to 1991, didn't we? :lol:

(It's also worth noting that a majority of the scientists at Los Alamos were in favor of sharing the secret with the entire world, and using a demonstration on an unoccupied island to force the Japanese to surrender....)
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Have you ever once seen a Tea Party Rally where they openly welcomed the Stormfront movement? No. So because you have no real argument you decide to try and Link the Tea Party movement with an organization that has zero ties to the tea party.

I'm pretty sure StormFront wants nothing to do with David Webb one of the founders of the Tea Party 365 in NY City and one of the biggest rally in the country.

Take a listen this is a great caller to his show addressing this issue

David Webb vs NAACP
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Did anyone know that the soviets, responsible for mass murder and keeping the countries they liberated from the Germans were not going to use it say, on one of the countries they kept, or on one of our allies.
Did anyone know that the soviets, responsible for mass murder and keeping the countries they liberated from the Germans were not going to use it say, on one of the countries they kept, or on one of our allies.

Somewhere along the line I want to quote Sheriff Buford T Justice : 'the GD Germans got nothing to do with this'

I thought this was about the Teaparty....
Have you ever once seen a Tea Party Rally where they openly welcomed the Stormfront movement? No. So because you have no real argument you decide to try and Link the Tea Party movement with an organization that has zero ties to the tea party.

No, you miss the point. While I won't link to their site, here is a quote from the "tea Parties" section of their forum:

The Tea Party Americans Coalition is a work group of serious White Nationalists. It is meant to be a grand project of the entire WN movement to make use of the opportunities that are presented us.

We hope to get not only individuals to work within our coalition, but entire groups, and organizations.

What we are trying to do is build a transitional organization in order to gain mass following, and also to educate the ordinary Patriots who join us.

We see the situation in America today, and the Tea Party movement as an opportunity to gain potentially millions of followers. (even if this does not pan out fully, we will have gained many many new people, and will have built a stepping stone for future success).

This is the best opportunity we had in a 100 years. If you are serious about securing the future of the White race, and ending the crimes and depredations that afflict us everyday, you should join us, and assist us in grabbing this opportunity with both hands.

it's Stormfront that has linked itself to the tea parties......if Hugh Hewitt speaks to the patriots of the tea parties, he speaks to them as well...

....iof course, some of their members feel the tea parties are just another con to get "white" people to fight for Israel......:rolleyes:
Did anyone know that the soviets, responsible for mass murder and keeping the countries they liberated from the Germans were not going to use it say, on one of the countries they kept, or on one of our allies.

Did anyone know that the United States, directly or indirectly responsible for mass murder on our own continent, Central and South America, actually had plans to use it in Viet Nam and the Middle East?
In a time when the world was a dangerous place and inter group violence was the norm, the country known as America came along, and though it still had some of the same problems the rest of the world had, it created ideas that it tries to live up to. All men are created equal, The bill of rights, the constitution and so on. In 89 years of existence they ended the practice of slavery, brought over by Europeans and Africans, started the civil rights movement, to live up to the all men are created equal, gave their women the right to participate in their government, and did a lot of great things. Were there bad things as well, of course. No country exists without them.

during world war two, when the socialists in Germany, Italy, and Japan were killing, raping and torturing their way around the world, The United states, Great Britain, australia and their allies stood in their way. they defeated the socialists, and then...they spent billions of dollars rebuilding those countries they defeated, restarted their governments and now compete with their former enemies for trade. They did not conquer them, enslave them and brutalize their people, in the way it was done before the United States came along.

The socialists, however, did conquer their enemies after the war, they raped tortured and murdered every country they "liberated" and enslaved the populations, while the United states and its allies (Great Britain, Australia, and later the former aggressors in world war two, now allies, not enemies, Germany, Japan, and Italy) stood in their way to keep them from spreading their tyranny to even more countries.

So Yes Elder, I see your point. The world had a lot to fear from the united states having the bomb. And yes, we dropped tha atomic bomb on Japan to end the war, not start the war and it saved a projected million lives.

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding, and that pudding is partly red, white and blue in color.
Here is the video of one of those racist tea party members, I am trying to be fair so I am posting this video.

The guy is on for about 9 minutes if you can take his racist tea partyness.
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Here is the video of one of those racist tea party members, I am trying to be fair so I am posting this video.

The guy is on for about 9 minutes if you can take his racist tea partyness.

I'll see your "black tea party guy," (and, oh, BTW, I'm not against most of the things the tea party stands for-and a black guy can be a racist) and see you a tea party leader saying he shouldn't make racists put away racist signs:


and raise you the usual parade of signs that some people want everyone else to believe don't exist:


and remind you of Mark Williams's stupidity:


Understand that I don't support a great many-as in most of Obama's policies, didn't vote for him, support many of the stances that the tea parties are supposed to stand for, but will not exist in a state of perpetual denial, or dumb things down to the level where fascism=socialism/communism, and the first Thanksgiving was a celebration of the 'failure of socialism." There are racist Repuiblicans, racist Democrats, and racist 'tea party" members-and, in fact, the tea party, and its stances on various issues, is attracting the worst of the racists out there.
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And we have successfully derailed the train just moments after it left the station:

How much more patriotic the stormfront is than the communists that were executed sixty years ago during the height of the cold war....

So let me see... the Tea Party speaks to the KKK off shoot...patriotic...

Got it....

Nothing like pushing the derailed train completely off the track. Well done!

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding, and that pudding is partly red, white and blue in color.

Sooo...a light purple?
Ok, so let me ask you this Jeff:

If the tea party organizers were responsible for asking Racists who showed up at their rallies to leave,

Why was it excusable for Violent signs condoning rape and violence against the Elected officials in Wisconsin durring these recent protests to be ignored with the sentiments like "Well, a few nutjobs always show up, you just have to ignore them"

I mean, which is it? If people show up stating things at your events you disagree with, should they be ignored, or asked to leave?

Because, while I am not saying YOU are doing it, mostly I hear the Libs excusing it when its on their side, and condemning it when its anyone else.

Never mind, Politics as usual. Forget I asked.
No, you miss the point. While I won't link to their site, here is a quote from the "tea Parties" section of their forum:

it's Stormfront that has linked itself to the tea parties......if Hugh Hewitt speaks to the patriots of the tea parties, he speaks to them as well...

....iof course, some of their members feel the tea parties are just another con to get "white" people to fight for Israel......:rolleyes:

I understand what your trying to say. Its just not a valid argument. Your trying to link Stormfront to Tea Party and you cant. The tea Party has nothing to do with Stormfront. They have no control what people Like them. That would be like saying if Charles Manson started saying how great Obama is we can now Say Obama is a Serial Killer. The logic just does not work.
Besides David Webb in the links I posted talked about this very issue of the "racists Tea Party" if you didn't listen you should. He is one of my Fav radio hosts.
I'll see your "black tea party guy," (and, oh, BTW, I'm not against most of the things the tea party stands for-and a black guy can be a racist) and see you a tea party leader saying he shouldn't make racists put away racist signs:


and raise you the usual parade of signs that some people want everyone else to believe don't exist:


and remind you of Mark Williams's stupidity:


Understand that I don't support a great many-as in most of Obama's policies, didn't vote for him, support many of the stances that the tea parties are supposed to stand for, but will not exist in a state of perpetual denial, or dumb things down to the level where fascism=socialism/communism, and the first Thanksgiving was a celebration of the 'failure of socialism." There are racist Repuiblicans, racist Democrats, and racist 'tea party" members-and, in fact, the tea party, and its stances on various issues, is attracting the worst of the racists out there.

You should also realize there were many anti-tae part websites that told people who were against the tea party to make the most racist signs they could and go to the events and try to get on the TV with the signs.
You should also realize there were many anti-tae part websites that told people who were against the tea party to make the most racist signs they could and go to the events and try to get on the TV with the signs.

No, I don't realize that at all......
I understand what your trying to say. Its just not a valid argument. Your trying to link Stormfront to Tea Party and you cant. The tea Party has nothing to do with Stormfront. They have no control what people Like them. That would be like saying if Charles Manson started saying how great Obama is we can now Say Obama is a Serial Killer. The logic just does not work..

You're right-the tea party has no control over Stormfront.

Stormfront tells me that there are organized, radical racist white supremacists in the tea parties, looking to take it over, or use it for recruiting, or both.

Others will insist that there are no racists in the tea party, or that when someone is "speaking to the tea party" he's not speaking to those same racists.

Oh, and it's okay for so-called "conservatives" to say that because Obama had the support of Ayers, and Rev. Wright, he must think like they do.Just sayin.'

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