In a time when the world was a dangerous place and inter group violence was the norm, the country known as America came along, and though it still had some of the same problems the rest of the world had, it created ideas that it tries to live up to. All men are created equal, The bill of rights, the constitution and so on. In 89 years of existence they ended the practice of slavery, brought over by Europeans and Africans, started the civil rights movement, to live up to the all men are created equal, gave their women the right to participate in their government, and did a lot of great things. Were there bad things as well, of course. No country exists without them.
during world war two, when the socialists in Germany, Italy, and Japan were killing, raping and torturing their way around the world, The United states, Great Britain, australia and their allies stood in their way. they defeated the socialists, and then...they spent billions of dollars rebuilding those countries they defeated, restarted their governments and now compete with their former enemies for trade. They did not conquer them, enslave them and brutalize their people, in the way it was done before the United States came along.
The socialists, however, did conquer their enemies after the war, they raped tortured and murdered every country they "liberated" and enslaved the populations, while the United states and its allies (Great Britain, Australia, and later the former aggressors in world war two, now allies, not enemies, Germany, Japan, and Italy) stood in their way to keep them from spreading their tyranny to even more countries.
So Yes Elder, I see your point. The world had a lot to fear from the united states having the bomb. And yes, we dropped tha atomic bomb on Japan to end the war, not start the war and it saved a projected million lives.
The proof, as they say, is in the pudding, and that pudding is partly red, white and blue in color.