You know, Darth Takeda, I thought about one of your earlier posts on this thread last night and it occured to me- I am much like you.
If I start standing up, I always get top mount. But if I start on the knees, I always end up on bottom.
I guess that is why I have success in Judo, but when i try to cross train in BJJ I get demolished. Same body of knowledge, different approach.
I don't want to sound like a sore loser, but EVERY altercation begins standing up, starting on the knees is reduction to the absurd in my opinion. What do i mean by that? If every fight goes to the ground, let's just play on the ground. That is reduction to the absurd, kind of like boxing is only focused on one, important technique: punching with the closed fist.
Every fight starts standing up. Randori is more important than newaza.
So in many ways, I see what you are saying. Maybe JJJ is better for this karate black belt who started the thread.