Modern Japanese jiu jitsu vs traditional Japanese jiu jitsu

All I was saying is I seen other schools put up more impressive promote videos like the Tampa school that gives you the wow factor I want to train there ASAP.
Yeah, that's why many schools do that sort of demo team presentation - to wow the audience and bring in the students. The Kodenkan guy went a different route - showing what your actual classes would be like if you sign up. It may not be as good from an advertising standpoint, but it's actually more honest. Even if you were to sign up for the Hapkido school, you would spend a lot of years slowly struggling through the basics like the students in the Kodenkan video before you ever got to do those fancy demos.
Note may be some members here into Japanese jiu jitsu section of this forum and really into jiu jitsu can explain this better.

I'm looking for a Japanese jiu jitsu school in Florida and some members where saying most schools in the US are modern Japanese jiu jitsu also known modern eclectic Western jujutsu system. Saying it not that it is bad, it just really not really true jiu jitsu. Saying a person takes bit of karate,Judo and jiu jitsu and slaps together system and call it Japanese jiu jitsu .

What is more scary is it a McDojo school or how much do they understand jiu jitsu. If such a school is only teaching some of the jiu jitsu moves?

Some members where saying I should take Aikido and Judo to get better feel of the art. But Aikido and Judo came from jiu jitsu.

It is really confusing understanding the different traditional Japanese jiu jitsu styles than the modern Japanese jiu jitsu.

Some of the Japanese jiu jitsu schools in Florida just seem to come of like McDojo schools to me or have no idea how to teach.

In our city there is a Ju-jitsu section. This is Bushinkay International, what you can say? It is worthy school for my child? Джиу-Джитсу Подольск
In our city there is a Ju-jitsu section. This is Bushinkay International, what you can say? It is worthy school for my child? Джиу-Джитсу Подольск
The instructor is a master of sports in Sombo and is dan ranked in Judo and Aikido as well as what I believe is a modern form of jujutsu. Looks solid in terms of qualifications. You'll have to visit the school to see if the teaching environment is good for your child.
In our city there is a Ju-jitsu section. This is Bushinkay International, what you can say? It is worthy school for my child? Джиу-Джитсу Подольск

Hmm, what can I say?

Not much. I don't read the language that the site is in… and it certainly isn't anything like classical Japanese Jujutsu… rather, it is (as Tony said) a modern amalgam of a couple of different grappling systems. Is if "worthy" for you child? How would we know? We don't know your kid, how old they are, what they're interested in, what perspective and understanding they come from, if they even want to train in martial arts, why they would want to train, or even if it's a boy or girl. The only one who can have anything close to a clue about any of that is you… take the kid along to the class, watch (or join in), and see how they feel about it. See if the school has a dedicated childs class (depending on the age of the kid)… see if they do competitions (likely)… and if that's something your kid is after. Really, this is like asking us if a particular restaurant halfway round the world, where we can't read the menu, is good for your family. We don't have a clue.
To the original poster even though it's been a while there are actually classical jujutsu and other koryu in the areas of ft Lauderdale and in Miami. Maybe try Google or pm me.
judo and bjj, which picked up just the grappling parts of jujutsu, wouldn't be the nearest thing to it. aikido has grappling, but focused on wristlocks and few throws and sword, but also far from jujutsu i'd say. closest thing in my opinion would be the german jujutsu (just mention it, since i guess not many people around the world ever heard of it) and the korean art hapkido which also uses striking, grappling with (at least a bit of) ground fighting and traditional weapons like staff and sword.

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