Which is Your Dominant Side?

Are you dominant on the left side, right side, or ambidextrous?

  • Left side dominant

  • Right side dominant

  • Ambidextrous (can use both sides equally well)

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Used to be about the same with techniques then i had surgery on my left ankle and was unable to do anything with that leg for about 6 months...now its been lagging in the catching up process...so i voted right side dominant
Left handed but fight out of a conventional boxer stance (right handed fighter)
but prefer to kick and strike with left hand/foot
The other side.

I really do not know. I train both and I find that for certain moves, applications, kicks, punches, etc. it varies.

My left heal kick is better than my right where my right round house is better than my left kind of thing. I never broke it down move by move.
I am right side dominant but i have done more damage over the years with my left side
nowadays my left hand dose not work as well (nerve damage in wrist, elbow, shoulder, and C7 have affected it) but I still like to use it for a finishing strike

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