And as it pertains to the thread, I would like to consider myself a socially conscious libertarian. I essentially believe that government has only 2 jobs; to keep us safe and to keep us free. Anything else is overstepping bounds.
However, I do consider myself socially conscious because some things we do need to pact together as a community, state or country in order to keep us safe. For example, our health care crisis here in the US needs to be addressed at all levels of government, but particularly federal because it is a nationwide crisis. It doesn't suffice for government to say, "let individuals and employers sort the problem out themselves and don't get involved" when it has become a legitimate safety issue for american people. Another example would be the unemployment crisis in Michigan. Michigan government needs to intervene because the umemployment rates are skyrocketing, and a legitimate safety and freedom (freedom to work and support oneself) issue.
So I am of the opinion that for those types of examples, government should intervene because that involves keeping us safe and free. It is important to mention, though, that government intervention does not have to mean regulating personal or organizational behavior. This should only be done as a last resort. It is regulating personal and organizational behavior (other then the case where extreme safety issues are created by the behavior) that I in general disagree with. I expecially disagree with regulating individual behavior for some sort of "collective ideal" or "greater good," because what is "good" is up to the subjective opinions of those in power. Operating this way is a fast track to a form of totalitarianism, whether of the facist, communist, or nationalist ilk.