Where can I find good books on Ninjutsu?


White Belt
I can read Japanese, and obviously English, so if you know anywhere to find good books on ninjutsu, please, tell me. I don't want fake authors though like Ashida Kim, or Haha Lung, or all those guys, you know? Thanks in advanced!:jediduel:
Well, it's most certainly not my area of martial expertise and my personal opinions tend to trend towards the negative on the whole field but I would have thought that if you know enough about who to avoid then you must surely know where to go for the 'roots' of this art?

Sensei Hatusmi should be your first port of call on these matters. Personally, as a historian, I find much to question in this art's 'story' but the Japanese government disagrees with me ... so there you go.
I can read Japanese, and obviously English, so if you know anywhere to find good books on ninjutsu, please, tell me. I don't want fake authors though like Ashida Kim, or Haha Lung, or all those guys, you know? Thanks in advanced!:jediduel:

Whats wrong with Ashida or Haha? J/k! yea, I've found a little difficult to find Ninjutsu books as well. But as recommended I enjoyed all of Hatsumi's books, as well as the "Ninpo Secrets" books that was recommended.

I'll check out some more, I've found some Ninjutsu books believe it or not in Chinese lol! But thats alright considering there CMA books in Japanese.

Hey, by the way nice s/n : )

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