What is the essence of Ninjutsu?

  • Thread starter Thread starter AlwaysTraining
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I know essentially nothing about ninjutsu? What I know, or think I know, is only what I've seen in movies or read about in books. But, I would suspect that all or most of it is inaccurate. So,

1) What is the fighting art of ninjutsu about?

2) How does it differ from other Japanese MA such as karate?

3) Are there any Ninjutsu/Ninpo dojos located in/near Huntsville, AL? If unknown, how can I find out?
AlwaysTraining said:
3) Are there any Ninjutsu/Ninpo dojos located in/near Huntsville, AL? If unknown, how can I find out?

3) use Google local search. ask other local martial arts group, if you know any. Keywords that might be good include : Bujinkan, taijutsu, ninjutsu, ninja, budo, etc. Some people here might know of individuals.

Others here will be more qualified in answering the first two :)

Good luck!
Ok, I'll bite out of curiosity... Why is someone from Lawn Guyland looking for training in AL? As for your questions:
1) The Bujinkan (and offshoots) is an eclectic mix of 9 traditional schools. A few of these are ninjutsu systems. The "fighting art" primarily comes from the non-ninjutsu traditions. Strictly speaking, ninjutsu is not about fighting, it's about stealth, espionage, survival skills, etc.
2) Individual traditions in the Bujinkan have much in common with karate, jujutsu, etc. With the eclectic nature of the Bujinkan, students tend to be exposed to elements of more than one tradition.
Kreth said:
Ok, I'll bite out of curiosity... Why is someone from Lawn Guyland looking for training in AL?
I'm moving to Huntsville, AL in about two weeks. I'll have to update my profile when I get there.
Look up the link that Technopunk gave you and go and
try out one of the schools that you find. Personally, I
do not feel that you can go wrong in studying Budo Taijutsu.:)
However, find a teacher that you like and would enjoy
training with. Good luck.

Brian R. VanCise
AlwaysTraining said:
I'm moving to Huntsville, AL in about two weeks. I'll have to update my profile when I get there.
Wow, talk about an accent conflict... :)
Technopunk, thanks for posting that link! I was able to find two new schools in my area to check out. :)
Tarot said:
Technopunk, thanks for posting that link! I was able to find two new schools in my area to check out. :)

Not a problem.

Incidently, that link is in the Newbie FAQ that no one bothers to read.


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