Master Black Belt
This is kinda off topic but shows how the law works in reverse sometimes....Have you heard some women who molest young boys around 14 to 15 years old can be served child support papers and forced to pay if they get a 30 to 40 year old pregnate when she committed statutory raped with them. Also the same law applies if the boys are forced violently as well. They are still responsible to pay the woman child support even when the pervert gets out of the prison the boys still have to pay their rapist!!!!
I want to post this because it's good story. When I was in highschool 10 years ago. My buddies dad told us a story that happened about 5 years previously before I graduated so it would have been about 15 years or so ago. Relates to the shooting a guy in your house that was brought up in one of the earlier posts.
This guy went to the local bar I think he said somewhere's up north here in Arizona. So it would have been like flag, or pinetop or somewheres up in that area. Anyways this guy goes to his local bar, and gets into a tussel, with more than a few guys there. It's some number like 10 or 15 guys, and they just beat the snot out of him. Put him in the hospital. So he gets out of the hospital and he kills about three of them in his house. So the cops show up, and it's an open and shut case, 3 guys dead in this dudes house. Arizona it's legal to shoot someone trespassing in your house. A few weeks later they show up at the guys house again with a couple more guys dead. Come to find out he was going to the bar throwing rocks through there car windows and luring them back to his house, where they ran inside and got shot to death. This guy is still sitting in prison. That is excessive. Flat out murder. But the point being it's not always alright to just shoot the guy. Although if your going to, kill him, so he can't sue you.
ANother guy a thief broke into this guys house, and got shot in the leg. It did permanent damage. THe thief turned around and sued the guy for everything he owned because he can no longer practice his chosen trade in life, and get this.......HE WON! :erg: Now how messed up is that?????? Oh and I never heard of him doing any jail time either. ????????