This post is more of a personal ramble. If you want to add your thoughts in, I'd appreciate it.
I feel like I've left a bit unfinished in Taekwondo. Last year, I moved across the country. New city, new job, new car, currently having a new house built. And new martial art - I started BJJ. I love BJJ. I also started Muay Thai/MMA class at our BJJ school. I find these to be more like vegetables - I know I'm better off for consuming them, but I'm not in love with them as much as I have been BJJ, TKD, and HKD. In TKD, I left as a 3rd Dan, but was fairly close to 4th. I feel like getting my 4th Dan (and following: Master and Referee licenses) is a missed opportunity.
My Dad wanted to do HKD (he's a blue belt there), but we did not at all connect with the HKD school nearby. He gave BJJ a try, and it was the opposite - he loved the people, but wasn't really into the art. So we checked out a few TKD schools (we're both 3rd Dan) and found one we like.
My plan was to get my blue belt in BJJ, and then mix TKD in 2-3 days per week, at least to finish out those three requirements above: 4th Dan, Master license, Referee license. For now, my plan is to do BJJ 6 days/week, and Muay Thai/MMA the 5 days it's offered. That hasn't really transpired. I average 3-4 days, and some weeks I only get 1 in. I don't know if mixing in TKD will help me be more regular in BJJ (easier to hit 4 days than 6).
And, as much as I've enjoyed a general lack of responsibility in BJJ (going from "main instructor" to "complete idiot"), I do miss being at the top of the food chain. I feel like BJJ could be the meat and potatoes of my training, Muay Thai could be my vegetables, and TKD my dessert.
In the school that I'm looking at, my Dad and I would instantly be the highest ranking students. The only higher ranks are the owner, his wife, and another Master they employ. It would be an opportunity for me to maintain my TKD skills and my teaching skills. The owner seemed eager to get some higher-ranking students in. I see parallels in where he is, with where my BJJ professor is. Our BJJ school is relatively new. In fact, I may be the highest ranking person who started BJJ at this school. (Everyone higher than me came in with BJJ experience from somewhere else). I've seen the positive impact that a new brown belt can have in BJJ, and I think that's roughly equivalent to 3rd Dan in TKD. I could have that impact here.
But...I don't know that I'm as comfortable in BJJ and MT as I would like to be before mixing TKD back in. I'm 3 stripes in, which is 60% of the goal towards blue. There are some things I do okay. There are some things that I'm just barely starting to grasp. And there are still some things that, even in drills, I'm completely lost on. I guess blue belts might feel similar (hence the "blue belt blues"). As to Muay Thai and MMA, I've been even less regular in those classes, and they've only been going on for a month or so. Those classes are also very sparse, as most people favor the BJJ. (We had the same problem with Hapkido).
Unrelated to martial arts, but sometime in the next 6-8 months I will be moving. Currently it's a 5-minute drive to BJJ and a 25-minute drive to the TKD school. It will be a 20-minute drive to TKD and 30-minute drive to BJJ after I move.
Right now, I'm 50/50 on whether I want to go back to TKD now, or if I want to wait, either for blue belt, or until I move. In the end, it probably won't make too much of a difference if I wait. At the rate I've progressed so far, it may just be another 6 months. Or I may plateau. Or he's being more generous with stripes than he would with the belt color. Or I lose regularity. It could be longer for a number of reasons. This was always the plan, so I don't feel like I'm delaying any further by continuing on the plan. But now that I've seen the TKD school and met the owner, I've got that itch to get back to the dojang.
Anyway, thanks for listening to the ramble. If you have some thoughts that could help push me one way or the other, I'd appreciate it.
I feel like I've left a bit unfinished in Taekwondo. Last year, I moved across the country. New city, new job, new car, currently having a new house built. And new martial art - I started BJJ. I love BJJ. I also started Muay Thai/MMA class at our BJJ school. I find these to be more like vegetables - I know I'm better off for consuming them, but I'm not in love with them as much as I have been BJJ, TKD, and HKD. In TKD, I left as a 3rd Dan, but was fairly close to 4th. I feel like getting my 4th Dan (and following: Master and Referee licenses) is a missed opportunity.
My Dad wanted to do HKD (he's a blue belt there), but we did not at all connect with the HKD school nearby. He gave BJJ a try, and it was the opposite - he loved the people, but wasn't really into the art. So we checked out a few TKD schools (we're both 3rd Dan) and found one we like.
My plan was to get my blue belt in BJJ, and then mix TKD in 2-3 days per week, at least to finish out those three requirements above: 4th Dan, Master license, Referee license. For now, my plan is to do BJJ 6 days/week, and Muay Thai/MMA the 5 days it's offered. That hasn't really transpired. I average 3-4 days, and some weeks I only get 1 in. I don't know if mixing in TKD will help me be more regular in BJJ (easier to hit 4 days than 6).
And, as much as I've enjoyed a general lack of responsibility in BJJ (going from "main instructor" to "complete idiot"), I do miss being at the top of the food chain. I feel like BJJ could be the meat and potatoes of my training, Muay Thai could be my vegetables, and TKD my dessert.
In the school that I'm looking at, my Dad and I would instantly be the highest ranking students. The only higher ranks are the owner, his wife, and another Master they employ. It would be an opportunity for me to maintain my TKD skills and my teaching skills. The owner seemed eager to get some higher-ranking students in. I see parallels in where he is, with where my BJJ professor is. Our BJJ school is relatively new. In fact, I may be the highest ranking person who started BJJ at this school. (Everyone higher than me came in with BJJ experience from somewhere else). I've seen the positive impact that a new brown belt can have in BJJ, and I think that's roughly equivalent to 3rd Dan in TKD. I could have that impact here.
But...I don't know that I'm as comfortable in BJJ and MT as I would like to be before mixing TKD back in. I'm 3 stripes in, which is 60% of the goal towards blue. There are some things I do okay. There are some things that I'm just barely starting to grasp. And there are still some things that, even in drills, I'm completely lost on. I guess blue belts might feel similar (hence the "blue belt blues"). As to Muay Thai and MMA, I've been even less regular in those classes, and they've only been going on for a month or so. Those classes are also very sparse, as most people favor the BJJ. (We had the same problem with Hapkido).
Unrelated to martial arts, but sometime in the next 6-8 months I will be moving. Currently it's a 5-minute drive to BJJ and a 25-minute drive to the TKD school. It will be a 20-minute drive to TKD and 30-minute drive to BJJ after I move.
Right now, I'm 50/50 on whether I want to go back to TKD now, or if I want to wait, either for blue belt, or until I move. In the end, it probably won't make too much of a difference if I wait. At the rate I've progressed so far, it may just be another 6 months. Or I may plateau. Or he's being more generous with stripes than he would with the belt color. Or I lose regularity. It could be longer for a number of reasons. This was always the plan, so I don't feel like I'm delaying any further by continuing on the plan. But now that I've seen the TKD school and met the owner, I've got that itch to get back to the dojang.
Anyway, thanks for listening to the ramble. If you have some thoughts that could help push me one way or the other, I'd appreciate it.