The one in 1993, no, we weren't, but, as the 9-11 commission report stated, "They were at war with US" The Clinton (there's that name again) administration HATED the US military and tried to treat terrorism as a LAW ENFORCEMENT problem. That didn't work so well, did it? apples and oranges. You cannot, with any honesty equate McViegh with the Islamic terrorists like Hamas, Al Qaeda, and Islamic Jihad. The way Clinton took Osama Bin Laden out of circulation when The Sudan offered him to us on a silver platter?
No, because there haven't been terrorist acts in London, Glasgow and Madrid, committed by muslim extremists, or, you know, planes flown into buildings, in NYC... No, no reason to think we'll ever face terrorist attacks here, except, of course, that we have and that the government has stopped future attacks, and that the Islamic extremists tell us they want to kill us. If someone who demonstrates a willingness to kill innocents, and says they want to kill you, how can you doubt they will try?