When recreational drugs are legal...

How do we deal with these cases then...the drugs are legal in this country.






There's a lot more like this. No one should want laws that are unnecessary but just because one person can take drugs and not be a danger to others doesn't mean to say that everyone can, there needs to be safeguards in place to preotect people from any violence, driving under the influence and the face biting zombie people, until there is something that can protect us from those who cannot take drugs 'safely' I'm afraid you will have laws to make drugs illegal. Many of those in the articles I've put here could actually have bought marijuana, it's easy enough to buy but in most cases they don't want that, it's too 'tame' they want a huge party buzz. When I googled these, at the top there were ads for these drugs which are easy to buy.

this is an interesting article and asks some serious questions. http://www.guardian.co.uk/education...student-drug-users-become-reckless?CMP=twt_gu

http://drugprevent.org.uk/ppp/category/research/crime-violence-prison/ "The flawed proposition of drug legalisation"
More to it then just getting a hard on. Most of the time this happens because the clinic is shipping marijuana to states that its still illegal in and they start an investigation in that state and DEA has nationwide jurisdiction so they follow it to the source which ends up being legit clinics out west that violate the laws. We daily intercept packages in the mail or fed ex that have multiple pounds of marijuana shipped from California. They have officers station at the fed ex distribution centers full time.
The point remaining that there are times when the State/Local and Federal laws are at odds with each other. You're picking nits.
How do we deal with these cases then...the drugs are legal in this country.






There's a lot more like this. No one should want laws that are unnecessary but just because one person can take drugs and not be a danger to others doesn't mean to say that everyone can, there needs to be safeguards in place to preotect people from any violence, driving under the influence and the face biting zombie people, until there is something that can protect us from those who cannot take drugs 'safely' I'm afraid you will have laws to make drugs illegal. Many of those in the articles I've put here could actually have bought marijuana, it's easy enough to buy but in most cases they don't want that, it's too 'tame' they want a huge party buzz. When I googled these, at the top there were ads for these drugs which are easy to buy.

this is an interesting article and asks some serious questions. http://www.guardian.co.uk/education...student-drug-users-become-reckless?CMP=twt_gu

http://drugprevent.org.uk/ppp/category/research/crime-violence-prison/ "The flawed proposition of drug legalisation"
Frankly, the subject is convoluted enough speaking strictly to US law and the politics and sensitivities involved in America. Trying to tackle the issue of prohibition and legalization in the UK at the same time is more than I can even think about addressing.
So right so why do any of us bother? The sky is falling.

I'll ignore the jab and express my thankfulness that some people are willing to work within a flawed system to do the most good they can under the circumstances.
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How do we deal with these cases then...the drugs are legal in this country.






There's a lot more like this. No one should want laws that are unnecessary but just because one person can take drugs and not be a danger to others doesn't mean to say that everyone can, there needs to be safeguards in place to preotect people from any violence, driving under the influence and the face biting zombie people, until there is something that can protect us from those who cannot take drugs 'safely' I'm afraid you will have laws to make drugs illegal. Many of those in the articles I've put here could actually have bought marijuana, it's easy enough to buy but in most cases they don't want that, it's too 'tame' they want a huge party buzz. When I googled these, at the top there were ads for these drugs which are easy to buy.

this is an interesting article and asks some serious questions. http://www.guardian.co.uk/education...student-drug-users-become-reckless?CMP=twt_gu

http://drugprevent.org.uk/ppp/category/research/crime-violence-prison/ "The flawed proposition of drug legalisation"

This doesn't convince me that pot should remain illegal but rather demonstrates that crazy idiots will find poisons to unchain their inner crazy faster than anyone can pass legislation to make that latest poison illegal.

You can't legislate out of existence everything that morons use to amplify their moronic behavior.

By the way: how many of those legal drugs can be grown in your backyard?

Just to clarify what I am for and against, Tez:

I believe in moderation in (just about) all things and that an excess of anything is bad.

I believe that what I can grow in my backyard can add to my enjoyment of life. I believe that chemists and politicians have stolen our freedom to do so to increase their profit.

You are stuck on the idea, Tez, that POT = DRUG and then keep shoveling out examples of how DRUG = BAD hence POT = BAD.

Moreover, you are stuck on the idea that because somebody likes pot, they must love drugs.

For what its worth, I distrust chemists and their potions and will only ingest even medicinal drugs grudgingly to alleviate a condition.

You want to stop the problems with drugs? Go after the chemists. Jail or execute the crazies — whether they are on drugs or not.

What I want is for pot to stop being maligned as a "drug" when it is just a leafy salad vegetable that is pleasant to consume.

Nevermind that druggies smoke pot before they get their hands on something else. They also binge drink. They inhale magic markers. Do we make nutmeg and banana peels illegal, too? Because people consume THOSE to get high, too, so I've heard.
Frankly, the subject is convoluted enough speaking strictly to US law and the politics and sensitivities involved in America. Trying to tackle the issue of prohibition and legalization in the UK at the same time is more than I can even think about addressing.

Who's discussing prohibition in the UK? I'm not. I'm pointing out what happens with a population when drugs are legal.

Zdom, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, I'm asking how we deal with people who cannot handle taking drugs and become a problem and/or endanger others. I'm not 'stuck on' any idea you are seeing things that aren't there besides that this thread can't decide what drugs should be legalised and what shouldn't. I've said time and time again I don't give a monkey's what people ingest, smoke or shove up their ****, I really don't care if they want to destroy themselves, turn their brains to mush or just sit and contemplate their naval, entirely up to them but I do care that they shouldn't be in a position to harm others. That is my only concern. I don't care about drugs or druggies tbh, each to their own with the proviso that they do no harm.
What I want is for pot to stop being maligned as a "drug" when it is just a leafy salad vegetable that is pleasant to consume.
And I would like to see the ban on opium poppies lifted because they are just pretty flowers we can grow in our gardens. :)
Who's discussing prohibition in the UK? I'm not.
Yes you are. Every example you provide is UK based. Every law you discuss is a law in the UK. And when someone attempts to engage you in discussion, you dismiss them by telling them that they don't understand the situation in the UK. You've done that to me at least twice through the course of this thread already.
I'm pointing out what happens with a population when drugs are legal {in the UK}.
Fixed that for you.

You're welcome to discuss whatever you want. I'm just not up for it. As I said before, the legalization of drugs/weed and prohibition within the USA is a big enough topic for me. I don't have it in me to track the subject of prohibition throughout the UK as well.
Yes you are. Every example you provide is UK based. Every law you discuss is a law in the UK. And when someone attempts to engage you in discussion, you dismiss them by telling them that they don't understand the situation in the UK. You've done that to me at least twice through the course of this thread already. Fixed that for you.

You're welcome to discuss whatever you want. I'm just not up for it. As I said before, the legalization of drugs/weed and prohibition within the USA is a big enough topic for me. I don't have it in me to track the subject of prohibition throughout the UK as well.

Ya hay, Steves on his high horse again about what I post! Love dear, boy, love it. If I post something about America I get told to back off because I have no right to post anything as it's not my country, if I post something about my country it's 'irelevant' because it's not America, good going that. And all the while you're thinking I'm saying something I'm not....... same old, same old.

Btw why do you have a law for crossing the road?
Ya hay, Steves on his high horse again about what I post! Love dear, boy, love it. If I post something about America I get told to back off because I have no right to post anything as it's not my country, if I post something about my country it's 'irelevant' because it's not America, good going that. And all the while you're thinking I'm saying something I'm not....... same old, same old.

Btw why do you have a law for crossing the road?

I'm too dumb, i guess. Carry on. You're just too subtle for me.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
Btw why do you have a law for crossing the road?

Because people were getting run over too much and it was too hard for drivers to be cautious when people could cross wherever they wanted. So now there is a law makes it easier for drivers to know where the people will be.
In the meantime, here's what one of our leading DEA administrators has to say about the dangers of marijuana.

Colorado Congressman Jared Polis questions a Chief Administrator of the DEA about some simple comparisons between marijuana and other drugs and she literally cannot give any more ridiculous answers. What is obvious to me is how political these answers are. The answers aren't based in any sort of evidence at all, otherwise she would have been able to rattle off some kind of rationale. IMO, what we are seeing here is simply the inertia of bureaucracy. She's trying to keep her job by conforming to policy and speaking words that are politically neutral and there is no real debate that is happening on these issues. It doesn't even matter if a State government decides something different, there is no debating the bureaucrats!

To my LEO friends, this is what the people who push the policy that you enforce have to say. I realize that you have to do your job in order to get paid and that this is probably no different from Michelle Leonhart speaking above from the DEA perspective, but just know that the people who push these policies are completely unwilling to debate the facts. They don't care about the reality of experience between the substances. They are political hacks who are part of a machine that grinds people into conformity...beyond all reason.
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I'm too dumb, i guess. Carry on. You're just too subtle for me.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

Steve, I post things I know about because the exchange of information especially on this type of thing is important. We have deregulated alcohol just about as much as you can plus taxed it so it's expensive yet we still have the most horrendous binge drinking and the effect on people is terrible, you can't walk down our streets at night. If that's the way you guys want to go or if it's a warning to you then that exchange of information has helped. As for the drugs that aren't illegal here you also get them over there and they are killing people in the States too, when people in both countries are taking legal drugs and are still destroying themselves and others and I post that up how is that dismissing anyone? If I post up only that these drugs are killing people in the States I will be accused of pointing out something that happens in your country and someone will say 'well look at your own country, it's not perfect'. I've been on here too long and I know that will happen. If I post up about drinking or drug taking in your country or if I post up about your laws of which I know nothing btw, I will be told I'm 'attacking' your country. I get told and I even know who by and how vitiolic they can be, that it's none of my business and I should stick to what I know. I do stick to what I know and now you are saying all I post about is the UK, so is this a form of censorship on here, you can only talk about something that hhappens in your country? Drugs one way or another, are a problem in all countries, there isn't a country in this world that doesn't have a drug problem, there are people who want to legalise drugs and those that don't in every country.
As a footnote it's interesting that zDom say what I was writing in a completely different way from you, he just thought I was stuck on marijuana which I'm not actually. Nor am I fixated on prohibition in the UK as you seem to think. I don't know, quite honestly, whether legalising drugs would be good or not, I tend to think not but am open to argument unlike some.
In the meantime, here's what one of our leading DEA administrators has to say about the dangers of marijuana.

Colorado Congressman Jared Polis questions a Chief Administrator of the DEA about some simple comparisons between marijuana and other drugs and she literally cannot give any more ridiculous answers. What is obvious to me is how political these answers are. The answers aren't based in any sort of evidence at all, otherwise she would have been able to rattle off some kind of rationale. IMO, what we are seeing here is simply the inertia of bureaucracy. She's trying to keep her job by conforming to policy and speaking words that are politically neutral and there is no real debate that is happening on these issues. It doesn't even matter if a State government decides something different, there is no debating the bureaucrats!

To my LEO friends, this is what the people who push the policy that you enforce have to say. I realize that you have to do your job in order to get paid and that this is probably no different from Michelle Leonhart speaking above from the DEA perspective, but just know that the people who push these policies are completely unwilling to debate the facts. They don't care about the reality of experience between the substances. They are political hacks who are part of a machine that grinds people into conformity...beyond all reason.

Thats all fine and good but you seem to forget the DEA didnt make Marijuana Illegal. Its not the DEAs job to tell others why it shoudl stay that way. They are not law makers. The people decided to make Marijuana illegal and as of now the people still want it illegal. They show this by voting for people that keep it illegal.
2ndly I could careless what the DEA director says I dont work for them. When I worded NArcotics out drug tip line had several calls a day on it about Marijuana smell coming from this apartment or that apartment. Stoned people Pissing in stairwells, Stoned drivers, ect. So just because you think it does not bother others Im here to tell you it does. You can blame the police or the DEA or the Govt but in reality its your very neighbors that are still against it.
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