To answer a question posed regarding driving under the influence, keeping in mind I am speaking about
a past tense that was
very far in the past,
I have driven under the influence of alcohol and driven intoxicated.
I have driven under the influence of pot and driven very, very stoned on pot.
I realize today the error of my ways and that these were bad decisions that could have
had very serious consequences and am grateful I did not harm myself or others through those actions.
That said, my experiences indicated:
A drunk tends to be overconfident about their ability to drive and when driving generally go too fast.
A pot-blasted person tends to be terrified to drive and when driving generally go too slow.
As a passenger coming home from a concert, I would much rather ride with a driver that smoked pot two hours ago
as opposed to a person who has consumed any alcohol.
I would not dispute the need to keep illegal driving under the influence of marijuana. I would expect to see better compliance among marijuana users than with those who regularly consume alcohol.
That said, I have ridden with drivers under the influence of either or both of those drugs (THC and/or alcohol) who drive better
under the influence that most of the morons on the road are able to completely straight... not to mention how much worse
they drive when they have a phone held up to their ear. But that is a completely different topic for discussion